Need some help guys. I don't know whaT IS happening. I was doing really good on cycle, 35mg dbol week 1-4, sus 500mg weeks 1-10. I'm currently in week 5, strength is through the roof, overall I look great. I was trying to keep fat in check, so wasn't taking in huge amount of cals, but was getting 300-400 grams protein a day. I was doing cardio 30 minutes a day, then thought my strength was decreasing, so I cut to 20 minutes 3 times a week. Now my weight has dropped 5 pounds and I feel fatter!! My love handles are coming back! What should I do? Would the fact that I'm off the dbol cause this? Thanks guys! By theway, I was taking .5 armidex ed, but stopped for a while, because I thought it was hindering gaINS.