What are some problems you guys have experienced from TRT?

Ive read alot about this on different steroid boards the last days and it seems like MANY MANY guys are cruising for like 10 years without having no problems. They get children and many dont need to donate blood, and they feel awesome with high T all the time.

I think the "side effects" of a decent/low dose of T, lets say 150-200mg a week, is vastly overrated.
Yes, testosterone increases hematocrit. But what if you were simply replacing someone's testosterone with exogenous testosterone? As in, not putting testosterome in their body that would surpass how much their body would naturally make. Their HCT should be the exact same, right?

who in their right mind would go along with replacing their natural testosterone for the exact same levels but with exogenous test !?

TRT is for replacing and fixing a testosterone 'deficiency' , you don't replace for example 150 ng/dl, testosterone level with exogenous test to bring it to a 150 ng/dl level . There is always an INCREASE with exogenous test (there is no other reason for it) . thats where your example breaks down.
Yes, testosterone increases hematocrit. But what if you were simply replacing someone's testosterone with exogenous testosterone? As in, not putting testosterome in their body that would surpass how much their body would naturally make. Their HCT should be the exact same, right?

No. We find that even at normal TT levels that administration of exogenous testosterone increases HCT often above the normal range. But all that is usually required is regular blood donations to manage it. No big deal for most. But it is problematic for some.
who in their right mind would go along with replacing their natural testosterone for the exact same levels but with exogenous test !?

TRT is for replacing and fixing a testosterone 'deficiency' , you don't replace for example 150 ng/dl, testosterone level with exogenous test to bring it to a 150 ng/dl level . There is always an INCREASE with exogenous test (there is no other reason for it) . thats where your example breaks down.
I would request that you refrain posting further in this thread as you don't understand that running 3 cycles a year is more harmful than cruising. Cruising allows you to keep more gains as well. The posters above you are much more rational.
No. We find that even at normal TT levels that administration of exogenous testosterone increases HCT often above the normal range. But all that is usually required is regular blood donations to manage it. No big deal for most. But it is problematic for some.
I figured. To be honest I already give blood a couple times a year and my hct is fine, haha. Just a nice thing to do. Thanks for the posts.
I would request that you refrain posting further in this thread as you don't understand that running 3 cycles a year is more harmful than cruising. Cruising allows you to keep more gains as well. The posters above you are much more rational.

LOL I should refrain from commenting on your thread .. ummm , dude are you even old enough to be on these forums ?

I'm 18 (save it) and have been lifting for about a year now. I'm about to go on my first cycle and was looking to ensure I have everything in order.

^^ one of your first posts on here a few months back . 18 and you've been lifting for one year now ,, LOL. ok , fine go on TRT for life kid , whatever . you might want to go ask mommies permission first though!
I figured. To be honest I already give blood a couple times a year and my hct is fine, haha. Just a nice thing to do. Thanks for the posts.

and at 18 years old, and an attempt at one cycle a month or so back .. and how long have you been doing this for now ? when your mommy took you to the blood drive did she hold your hand, and then to the doc to check your HCT , was she concerned for you. ;)
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Some people (ok I means kids) think it is so easy to get on Doctor prescribed TRT to start with. It's not easy to qualify for everyone. Just look at all the poor suffering bastards out there trying their best to get approval. Well I guess there's always underground Test. What about the times you don't have a source and suffer from low T symptoms?? Look 4gkenzy, it's like a fucking addiction, you idiot!!! I have to have the stuff for the rest of my life! I have no choice because my body does not make enough testosterone. Do you think that I like to depend upon idiot doctors and shitty sources for me to be healthy. That I like sticking needles in my ass?? That I like the shitty side effects. I have no choice. You do. Then there's the money. I'd guess, with your 'good' decision making abilities that you're displaying, you may not have a good job in the future. Just saying. And when it comes down to milk for the baby or Cyp in your ass, are you going to be able to afford both?

Be a man. Be a good man and make some good decisions. At least wait until you are old enough to make an informed decision. And seriously, I wish you the best. I too was an idiot when I was 18, but luckily I didn't get into steroids, drugs and shit. :-)
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Oops. I was going to reply, but my weekly dose is 160mg. Apparently it's not In the range of responsible TRT.

I guess my Total T around 650 at trough is supraphysiological.

Off to my doctor to get a more "responsible" dose, before I kill myself.