I am banned!
Been running
Tren ace 100mg eod, eventually upped to 150mg eod, than started ed pinning at 100mg ed, than 120mg ed. I took that with test prop, started 25mg eod and eventually 50mg ed. Also have mast 30mg ed.
I decided to remain on aas 4life, therefore i get to blast until i feel trt is needed for proper recovery.
Since I feel perfectly normal right now, what are your ideas on upping dose to 140, 160, 180, and 200 on tren.I have very powerful and concentrated vials of 200mg/ml, dealer said this stack is a bit stronger than what it says.
Tren ace 100mg eod, eventually upped to 150mg eod, than started ed pinning at 100mg ed, than 120mg ed. I took that with test prop, started 25mg eod and eventually 50mg ed. Also have mast 30mg ed.
I decided to remain on aas 4life, therefore i get to blast until i feel trt is needed for proper recovery.
Since I feel perfectly normal right now, what are your ideas on upping dose to 140, 160, 180, and 200 on tren.I have very powerful and concentrated vials of 200mg/ml, dealer said this stack is a bit stronger than what it says.