What Body Fat Percentage Before First Cycle?


New member
I am looking forward to my first cycle (classic test-only beginner's cycle), and I wanted some informed opinions from the collective knowledge and experience here regarding body fat percentage--specifically, how low should I get my bf before starting? I have gotten down to around 18% from the mid twenties.


1. I am obviously excited and anxious to start.
2. My goal for the cycle is max gains in muscle mass (virgin cycle--would hate to "waste" on a cut cycle, right?).
3. I want the best possible chance of holding my gains through and after PCT (so an off-cycle cut afterwards doesn't seem prudent).

I've begun carb cycling and sprint 8's to break my recent fat-loss plateau, and they are working for me. So, at what bf percent should I allow myself to begin the cycle proper?
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I don't think there's a concrete number for your body fat, although I'm sure many will say 15% or lower. I personally subscribe to the belief that if you train consistently and put 100% into it and aren't eating COMPLETELY crappy you should be fine. With that said however, you will see better benefits from having a lower body fat percentage. I saw a study somewhere where it was shown a leaner body is more anabolic. I'll have to see if I can dig that up.

I think you're on the right track. ;)

My .02c :)
My fear is that as a natural endomorph, I will have hell getting my bf down without sacrificing significant LBM. The last time I had a six pack, I was 30. But I had to go from 225 down to 165, and I looked like a toothpick. I liked the muscle definition, but I sacrificed way too much mass along the way. With that said, for a natural endomorph, does it make more sense for me to do my first mass-gain cycle, try to hold most of what I gained for 10-15 weeks, and then do a true cut-cycle, maybe with tren stacked on or some other leaning anabolic?

Of course, I can't rule out any possible impatience on my part in above hypothesis. :)
My fear is that as a natural endomorph, I will have hell getting my bf down without sacrificing significant LBM. The last time I had a six pack, I was 30. But I had to go from 225 down to 165, and I looked like a toothpick. I liked the muscle definition, but I sacrificed way too much mass along the way. With that said, for a natural endomorph, does it make more sense for me to do my first mass-gain cycle, try to hold most of what I gained for 10-15 weeks, and then do a true cut-cycle, maybe with tren stacked on or some other leaning anabolic?

Of course, I can't rule out any possible impatience on my part in above hypothesis. :)

I'm in a similar boat and have been wondering the same thing.

I'm probably 20% right now which is waaaay too high by what most people claim, but I'm also an endomorph and I have never been able to lose BF without growing my muscles first.

I could do 20,000 clumsy jumping jacks and lose a couple pounds, but with weight training I lose much faster even without hard dieting.

Bottom line, I can sympathize with your body type.

After much reading of the "too fat" posts, one guy wrote "Ah...just do it". He was probably drunk, but I needed to hear it :)

From what I've read, there might be issues with your body turning more test' into estrogen with a higher BF, and of course with a higher BF, you need to watch out for BP and other weight related risks that you normally would... just watch closer.

Personally, I don't want to have a stroke, but at the same time I was having too hard a time getting into "starting shape" with my natural body chemistry (45yo endomorph), so I took the plunge and went on test'.

Now I'll say this... it's a really fine balance being "on" and trying to lose weight at the same time as gaining muscle. It's a catch 22.

For myself, my muscle gains are really slow because I'm on a deficit diet. Eat more and it goes right back to the fat (with a little muscle gain too), which is disappointing in the mirror. Eat less and you trim out a little, but muscle you gained suffers. It's like trying to balance a beach ball on your nose!

I'm not qualified to give much advice beyond my own personal experience, but for me I think it's just a matter of sticking with it until I'm over the hump. Try to keep a diet that isn't too extreme in either direction, be very aware of risks that come with your BF and work slowly until your body starts doing what you want it to....and be patient with a positive attitude.
First off, get rid of the mind set that you cant cut or lean out because youre an endomorph. I personally believe you can literally do what ever the hell you want, if you want it bad enough.

My whole athletic and lifting career changed when i started eating RIGHT. And i think most ology bros in here can say the same thing for them.

If you want to see the best results, like halfwit said, train consistently, eat with a solid diet plan, get to around 13-16% bf, and you will see awesome results.

ALSO! Check it out. :D Complete Secrets to Success! How bad do you want it? - YouTube
Just like Fieldsy said My lifting career changed when i started eating right. wait till you are down to 13-16% bf.
I appreciate all the advice. I just watched that video, and it is very inspiring--lot of truth there.