WHAT CAN I EXPECT FROM OXANDRIN? according to anabolic extreme


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...taken from anabolic extreme


Question: I was recently able to talk my doctor into prescribing me steroids to help me add a little bit of muscle. I’m a 33 year-old male and have been lifting weights for some time (6 months) with very little in the way of gains. He gave me a prescription for Oxandrin at 4 tabs per day. What kind of gains should I expect?

Answer: What’s the quickest way to make a steroid more effective? Make it unavailable to bodybuilders! For the longest time, oxandrolone was virtually impossible to obtain and the drug developed an almost mythical status. Pre-contest bodybuilders would kill for oxandrolone, knowing in their heart of hearts that this side-effect free steroid was the only missing piece to their championship puzzle. Back in my dealing days, it would amaze me how much a guy would pay for a legitimate sheet of oxandrolone from Italy

The truth is that oxandrolone is a virtually worthless bodybuilding steroid. This makes perfect sense, since Oxandrin is the ONLY steroid the FDA has approved to promote weight gain and prevent catabolism. God forbid the FDA actually approve a steroid that is effective at promoting the gain of lean body mass and preventing catabolism for that purpose, even incredibly low doses of testosterone (200 mg/week) is more effective for bodybuilding then Oxandrin. Unfortunately, more and more doctors are prescribing this drug to patients seeking to gain lean body mass because it’s the only steroid they feel comfortable doing so.

About the only thing you’re going to experience is a significant lightening of your pocketbook. Oxandrin sells for about $4-6 for each 2.5 mg pill!! Your 4 tabs a day are costing you a minimum of $480 a month and for what? Here’s my advice. Find a physician than will put you on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) doses of testosterone. It’s fairly easy to do these days, you can contact www.ceri.com to find a practitioner near you or contact Dr. Raymond Scruggs at www.newhopemed.com. Dr. Scruggs does phone consultations and can work with you regardless of where you live in the US.

My input:
way off. yeah a little expensive, but papervar rocks. Hands down. So bottom line is you need to try for yourself and come to your own conclusion.