What diet Ratios do you run when on?


Alleged Fatass!
Such as Cal X ?? I dont want to overdo it whn I start, just was wondering what some of you run?
mcdonalds,shake,pizza,shake,chicken or steak, shake, more fastfood if possible, shake. i have fast matabloism and if i dont bomb it with fastfood i dont get the results i like. this might not be good for you though, i dont care about fat gain. try for around 5000+ daily cals
Thats 4100cal damn thtas around weight X 20 thats a lot, how was your LBM to FatMass gain after cycle?
I will be running

W 1-4 D-Bol 30mg ED

W 1-10 Test 500mg EW split into 2 shots of 250 E3D

W 1-10 EQ 400mg EW split into 2 shots of 200 E3D

W 1-10 A-Dex .5-1mg ED

W 12-14 Clomid

I am hoping to put on 15 lbs of lbm SO we will see. Critique the cycle if you wish.
Check out my cycle log. I am running almost the exact cycle. You might find the log interesting.
I am on day 12 and up 11 pounds as of 2 days ago.
Popichulo said:
I will be running

W 1-4 D-Bol 30mg ED

W 1-10 Test 500mg EW split into 2 shots of 250 E3D

W 1-10 EQ 400mg EW split into 2 shots of 200 E3D

W 1-10 A-Dex .5-1mg ED

W 12-14 Clomid

I am hoping to put on 15 lbs of lbm SO we will see. Critique the cycle if you wish.

I like the cycle, maybe too much A-dex @ 1mg ED, but I take it you are starting off with .5 mg/ed and upping according to symptoms.

This is just more of an FYI than anything, you probably already know it anyways, but if you are truely doing your shots every 3 days, instead of twice a week, it changes your total mg/week like this;

250 test every 3 days = 250 X 7/3 = 583 mg/week
200 eq every 3 days = 200 X 7/3 = 466 mg/week
Vey true SC I will probably make injections on Sundays and Wednesdays so that will keep it a bit more stable I really didnt think of that thanks.
Anyone think I should add the D-Bol at the end like Mike or should I be cool like this I have never used d-bol before.
Popichulo said:
Anyone think I should add the D-Bol at the end like Mike or should I be cool like this I have never used d-bol before.

It is really up to you.
I did it like this to get the most out of my cycle. I also don't really care about the water retention.

On a side note, with the Armidex try only .5mg EOD first then up from there.
you will thank me for this in the long run, DO NOT USE ARIMIDEX WHILE USE DBOL. You take away 75% of what you would gain otherwise. I used the same batch of Thais in two sepreate cycles, one with arimidex, one without, at 40mg each time. At the end of 4 weeks I was up 12 lbs without arimidex, then lost about 4 lbs of water. In 8 weeks with, i gained 5lbs, lost about a pound of water.
Damn man thats one hell of a difference, but wouldnt you compare the gains from using ldex as quality gains and the ones without as gains but most of it water weight?
well quality gains with arimidex were 4 lbs. Withought they were 8 lbs. Oh and to answer your original queestion, I bulked from 210 - 225 last bulk cycle, and 4800 cals. Isocaloric.