what do you guys think about diet pills? I want to lose 20-30 pounds and am thinking about taking hydroxoecut before i do my cardo to get me in the mood and to last longer when i work out.
Could not agree more with 3J on this one, let me tell you now you are waisting your money and time on diet pills they end up making you feel like crap and they really dont even work...get your ass in the gym watch what you take in and just bust ass....its the only way bro
Diet and cardio are obviously the key to being lean. But I think diet pills have their place, to help with lethargy and appetite suppression. Hydroxycut is junk, I only use LipoShred Stack
Diet and cardio are obviously the key to being lean. But I think diet pills have their place, to help with lethargy and appetite suppression. Hydroxycut is junk, I only use LipoShred Stack
i agree with BB. I don't think they should be used to lose weight, but they do give you a nice energy boost in the gym and they can help suppress your appetite.
The only problem with that is it can suppress your appetite too much and you don't eat enough, which can lead to negative feedback and you stop burning cals and start storing more.
If you can use them in moderation and cycle off them to prevent the body's acclimation, i say go for it.
But you need to know how to diet first. Cardio also, but 95% of fat loss should revolve around diet IMO.
I automatically took, diet pills to be fat burners...if we are talking about appetite suppression and energy, I use to use diablo fire caps....they did the job in the gym, and I had to force my self to eat...i believe they have ephedra too.
i lost a good 90 to 100 pounds with hydroxycut /exercising /dieting a few years back now i am struggling losing the last 20-25 pounds. also want to tone up. I was thinking about taking Andro like Mark McGuire did. its a natural Erb and has few side effects. I just need an edge or energy boost but definitely do not want to do a cycle or be a muscle head.
I think you can try loosing weight by either exercise or diet pills. If you are unable to exercise or diet then you have only option to take Proactol plus diet pills.
You can also go for other diet pills but remember that the ingredients must be comprised of natural components.
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