what do you say when you're asked if you're on roids?

My friend just wrapped up his cycle and a trainer came up to him in the gym and straight up asked. He said no man, you see me in here everyday working my ass off. Trainer walked away laughing, LIES he said as he rounded the corner.

That made me angry just reading it, for the ammount of effort we put into the gym we deserve more recognition for our efforts than people sighing and saying yeh you're on roids insisting easy, effortless gains.
^^^^ i hate it when people argue that all steroid gains are fake gains and tht you'll lose all the muscle once u stop using steroids. Most people think that steroids are this magical thing that pumps air ito your muscles an gives them a big look lol

"Yeah but it's not real muscle, it's fake." You probally heard that quote right? haha.. I shocked a girl just a few weeks ago she was asking if I still take steroids I said I haven't been on them in 3 months, she couldn't believe I retained all my gains. lol
"Yeah but it's not real muscle, it's fake." You probally heard that quote right? haha.. I shocked a girl just a few weeks ago she was asking if I still take steroids I said I haven't been on them in 3 months, she couldn't believe I retained all my gains. lol
Dumb fucks, they say there fake muscles because they know someone who ran a dbol only cycle for 3 months with no pct, Aromatase inhibitor (AI), or liv protection who after finishing there cycle shrunk back down to the way they was. Plus not having a functioning dick.
There is NO reason to be ashamed of this! Fact is I LOVE it and can't wait to get on it again.

There are guys at my gym that know. How, I don't know but they just know without me saying anything. I work my ass off but in the long rung I don't care at all who knows and who doesn't!! I have only told people I'm doing testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) because I had low test. People are like "oh, cool. Tell me more. Maybe I need that"
I think anyone who admits to using is crazy.

I don't tell anyone about my use. No one. Not even the guys I see in the gym that I know use and they know I use I don't say or admit anything.

Something a lot of people don't seem to understand is how much their own mouth can get them into serious trouble.

If anyone would ask me if I take steroids I just laugh and walk away. If you tell someone you use the next thing you know everyone is asking you to get some for them or worse it can get back to someone you know or the law.
I think anyone who admits to using is crazy.

I don't tell anyone about my use. No one. Not even the guys I see in the gym that I know use and they know I use I don't say or admit anything.

Something a lot of people don't seem to understand is how much their own mouth can get them into serious trouble.

If anyone would ask me if I take steroids I just laugh and walk away. If you tell someone you use the next thing you know everyone is asking you to get some for them or worse it can get back to someone you know or the law.

anyone who admits is not crazy. different people have different opinions.
I tell em fuck ya I'm on roids!!!!!! So you can tell huh? This is the greatest thing ever invented! All I gotta do is jab a needle in my ass and POOF!!!!!!!!!! I'm swole and ripped up!!! Thats it! You don't even have to work out! This is actually the first time I've ever set foot in a gym!! Can you give me a few pointers on how I should lift weights? LMFAO!!! I love fucking with people that ask me that shit
^^^^ hahahah im gonna start saying that too. Maybe advise the ignorants to do the same thing. Inject and not go to the gym!
I tell them no because that would be cheating and muscle from steroids is only fake anyway.
I guess everyone is different and feels different about being asked. At the end of the day it is really no ones business however you do find the ones that have the balls to ask, personally I don't give a shit. I'm proud to have done my first cycle. Most have no idea about the stuff except all the bullshit they here from media. I don't go around advertising but I also don't hide it.
Nobody ever comes up to me and asks me anything about steroids. Everybody is always super friendly to my face. But they have no problem running their mouth about it behind my back.
i just say "na bra.. you mirnin" lol.... just personal friends, and if they keep asking, tell them to stop partying drinking, and to stop talking at the gym and lift.
I guess everyone is different and feels different about being asked. At the end of the day it is really no ones business however you do find the ones that have the balls to ask, personally I don't give a shit. I'm proud to have done my first cycle. Most have no idea about the stuff except all the bullshit they here from media. I don't go around advertising but I also don't hide it.

yup same here.
I don't know about everyone else, but I personally feed off people asking/making comments! I always deny it, and tell em I paid someone(3J) to make me a diet to gain some mass.. so im not lying completely!