what do you think this guy is taking?

Fake nattys love tren, mast , anavar, T3/clen everything in just lower doses and eat pretty clean.
I'm not sure if this is right category but I injected test 400 on saterday
It's now Tuesday and I have been in agony for these days I can't touch my glute it's that tender iv tried hot water bottles gels pain killers everything
But it's really swolen and tender warm to touch and a lot of my mates are saying it's a absess under the skin
And other people are saying I'm fine I'm just after a bit of sensible advice as my right glute kills

You should start a new thread with your questions instead of hijacking other threads.
That motherfucker doesn't look a day past 19. I don't know any kids like that with that level of proportion and conditioning that aren't pinning every compound into their muscle
He could be natty. I had this roommate in college...big motherfxxer. He had...I dunno 17" or 16" biceps but he was short and had no waist whatsoever--so he looked like a superhero cartoon. He never lifted (he was surfer/skater and thought the gym was too establishment). He didn't do gear. Didn't even really do healthy food, but he had the build of a somewhat puffy, off season bodybuilder. I could have done gear, lifted 7 days a week and not looked as good at the same age. Some guys just have that natural physique. He also had BO all the time so I think his natural test was off the chart. This kid could be natty, save some type of diuretic or a bit of adderall or something for dieting.
He could very well be natty, there is the odd guy who can look like this without drugs believe it or not, hes really not that big or freeky, hes just very lean providing an illusion he is 'big'. What is he taking if hes taking anything? Who the hell knows other than the Ramen and CellTech like Halfwit stated. All the boys are on the Ramen and CellTech. :p
Haters will hate. Guy could very well be natural. I'll see if I can dig up a pick of a big natural guy that worked out in the same gym I did forawhile
lol, when will it be my turn for hyphy mud?

Sorry, hyphy mud is more dangerous than DNP and trenbolone COMBINED. I don't think you're ready, as you have to be at 7.8552142336% body fat, and have the art of injecting synthol into your Johnson mastered. :wiggle:
He could very well be natty, there is the odd guy who can look like this without drugs believe it or not, hes really not that big or freeky, hes just very lean providing an illusion he is 'big'. What is he taking if hes taking anything? Who the hell knows other than the Ramen and CellTech like Halfwit stated. All the boys are on the Ramen and CellTech. :p

Ya well we been seeing a lot of "genetically gifted" it's b.s there's no naturals anymore they are all using something size meansNothing especially when your trying to look natural to get endorsement or make money in this sport
10 years ago this guy was nationally ranked amateur natural

This guy looks better than 99% of everyone here including you please don't tell me you think this is attainable first guy looks natural but he's not your pic looks nowhere near natural PALEASSSSSSE Who the fuck can get that low bf and hold that much muscle natural! Ha your gonna get mad and call me a hater I can feel it lol..... i will always speak up when I see bullshit that's a given
Delts are always a give away especially with veins popping out on already oversized delts. You guys need to quit all that he's not big he's not freaky talk. If shit looks to good hard as fuck oversized and belongs in a magazine pretty obvious the guy has assistance. Every magazine men's health men's fitness every guy there is on juice, everyone has been brainwashed by fakes claiming natural in the last few decades. You cannot be under 5% bf shredded with thick ass muscle natural that's just common sense
You dissapoint the crap out of me if you believe that shit!

Lol, not too hard for me to believe. I want to say I think he was 5-10 and competed around 180 lbs.
Some bros are natural mesomorphs and keep a good percentage of mass as they diet down.

Some guys on here look natural although they're juiced out of their mind. How can you explain that?