What dose winny do for you?


New member
as the title says how do find Winstrol (winny) for streanth sides ect ,also worried abou the joint pain..would a low dose of npp solve this?
winny makes me look awesome but is real hard on my hair. it also causes me to cramp and get some extreme pumps (bad for cardio). joint pain occurs but is annoying at most.

worth it if you want to look your best, takes about 2 weeks to really get going in me.
Warmachine said:
winny makes me look awesome but is real hard on my hair. it also causes me to cramp and get some extreme pumps (bad for cardio). joint pain occurs but is annoying at most.

worth it if you want to look your best, takes about 2 weeks to really get going in me.

I agree with that! No problems with my hair yet, but furthermore Warmachine you are right on the dot.
all i noticed was joint pains from it. I was stacking it w tren ace and test prop and i didnt notice any positive effects from the winstrol that i havent see w just teh test and tren
Phil9999 said:
all i noticed was joint pains from it. I was stacking it w tren ace and test prop and i didnt notice any positive effects from the winstrol that i havent see w just teh test and tren

even 25mg a day hardens me up dramatically. i included it on part of my bulker this year and kept my abs while i was on it...its far stronger than an anti e for keeping the water off me and doesnt kill my sex drive like letro does.

btw i only have experiance with oral winny
Warmachine said:
even 25mg a day hardens me up dramatically. i included it on part of my bulker this year and kept my abs while i was on it...its far stronger than an anti e for keeping the water off me and doesnt kill my sex drive like letro does.

btw i only have experiance with oral winny
You say Winstrol (winny) keeps water off you?at what doseage?
I personally didn't like Winstrol (winny). I think my bf is too high to see any of the positives it brings, it hurt my lower back and the shots are a beatch. No more for me...
winny makes me strong @50mg/day. really does a number on my profiles though. big time pumps too.