What facets are needed to run Anti-E's?


-Flesh Eater-




I relize these are for avoiding things such as Bloat and Bitch tits? So how does one now if you need one of these or not? Unless you all alreasdy getting bitch tits.

Also do the hinder gains if you take themn during the cycle?
Dont bother with the broro...if you are using test or dbol (anything along those lines) run some arimidex or liquidex at 1mg/eod.
Wartime100 said:
The best thing to do is run an anti-e at a low dose and if you show signs of aromatization increase the dosage.

Thats pretty much my thoughts, as long as one realise that signs arent just itchy nips, but things such as bloating and high BP.
I would recommend even first time users (especially with drugs like test) to use aromatose inhibitors. When weighing the options it is clear to me that using anti-e's is critical. I will never run another cycle without using atleast arimidex.
I guess I shoudl have posted my next cycle as a referance.

wk 1-12 EQ @ 400mg/wk

wk 1-12 Enanthate @ 500mg/wk

wk 1-8 Fina @ 75mg/EOD (Homemade)

wk 10-14 Winstrol (winny) @ 50mg/ED

Wk 1-4 Dbol @ 50mg/ED


wk 15-17 Clomid
Clomid (200mg for 1 days, 100 mg 10 days then 50 mg for 10 days)

Note: 500ius of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) will be taken every Saturday and Sunday until week 12

wk 16-17 Clenbuterol
Day1: 20mcg 1
Day2: 40mcg 2
Day3: 60mcg 3
Day4: 80mcg 4
Day5-Day14: 100mcg (200mcg split in 1/4)

So would I use liquidex at 1mg/eod with this to cover my bases?
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The Terminator said:
I would recommend even first time users (especially with drugs like test) to use aromatose inhibitors. When weighing the options it is clear to me that using anti-e's is critical. I will never run another cycle without using atleast arimidex.

I agree.....Keep in mind that generally anti-aromatase are different than anti-estrogens................I get big time bloat from the Tests so it is great for me.....As the other bro said look out for other gyno-symptoms as well other than itchy nipples.....

People don't agree on how to run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) so see what others say....

Thanks for posting pic for me Terminator........