what happened to the XXX picture forum?

I was just on hours ago and now nothing. I checked my mail and found no steroidology notifications. I wonder if there just cleaning stuff up or kicking people out

I have a bad feeling that someone reported some copyrighted material to one of the ladies websites and they forced Steroidology.com to close up shop on that forum or else.
Has anyone figured out what is going on?

It says we need a password. Ok, what password, and where do we get it?
irishbug75 said:
I have a bad feeling that someone reported some copyrighted material to one of the ladies websites and they forced Steroidology.com to close up shop on that forum or else.

I seriously hope you're not right.

Man, this will suck if it's true ...
NeoPervert said:
I tried looking for an announcement, I'm lost. Glad I'm not the only one...
Me too.... I posted something today and until seeing this thread thought I was being punished
everybodys previous posting seem to be gone. A few of us tried searching for our previous threads and the search turns up nothing found
Seems rather coincidental that they attached the "copyrighted material" disclaimer to all the posts today, and now the forum is offline. Perhaps we will all get lucky, and they are just skimming through the material in the forum and are removing the copyrighted material.