What is a good peptide cycle for mass gain?


New member
I have been looking around and I can't seem to find very much info on peptides in general but specificaly, what each peptide does.

my stats are as follows:
Im 35 yo
5'7" 155lbs
Work out roughly 4x a week, and have tried pro hormones in the past and tried orals like t-bol. I am just looking to try something that is not as harsh on the liver...

Is GHRP-2 something that I can benefit from to gain mass? Or how about the combo of GHRP-2/CJC-1295 or GHRP-6/CJC-1295.

Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!
I have been looking around and I can't seem to find very much info on peptides in general but specificaly, what each peptide does.

my stats are as follows:
Im 35 yo
5'7" 155lbs
Work out roughly 4x a week, and have tried pro hormones in the past and tried orals like t-bol. I am just looking to try something that is not as harsh on the liver...

Is GHRP-2 something that I can benefit from to gain mass? Or how about the combo of GHRP-2/CJC-1295 or GHRP-6/CJC-1295.

Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!

Yeah I'm looking for the same info.
Hey guys, I have recently tried peptides and really liked the results that I got. I started with CJC-1295 with DAC and GHRP-6, pinned 3 times a day. On waking up, PWO, and prior to bed. I have been using them for 3 motnhs and would say I have put on a solid 15 pounds (with not much fat) the GHRP-6 really helped with appetite, just make sure you eat clean with it or you could be putting on too much fat.

I also noted that the peptides really helped with vasularity. I am a fan and will continue to use them year round. Also there was no cardio loss like with some AAS. In fact my cardio increased.

Good luck
good to know! Thanks for the feedback. Like I said, i haven't heard much about peptides in regards to mass gain. Only fatloss and an increase in hunger. SOunds promising, I'll lhave to look into that combo. What was your dosage like?
Well, peptides like GHRP-2 or6 with cjc-1295 is a particular peptide stack that's commonly used to increase natural GH secretion and burst intensities. HGH fragment 176-191 is a small part of a synthetic HGH molecule, so it will slow the natural GH secretion although not stop it severely such as with full HGH. GHRP with CJC-1295 is considered the only true PCT for HGH use... Dosage for peptides is best said to be body weight dependent. 100mcg per kg, or something
Well, peptides like GHRP-2 or6 with cjc-1295 is a particular peptide stack that's commonly used to increase natural GH secretion and burst intensities. HGH fragment 176-191 is a small part of a synthetic HGH molecule, so it will slow the natural GH secretion although not stop it severely such as with full HGH. GHRP with CJC-1295 is considered the only true post cycle therapy (pct) for HGH use... Dosage for peptides is best said to be body weight dependent. 100mcg per kg, or something

So if I am reading correctly, the GHRP-2 or 6 with cjc-1295 stack is considered an HGH post cycle therapy (pct). However, i am guessing it is not limited to that and can be used as a stand alone to increase mass or fat loss or both??
So if I am reading correctly, the GHRP-2 or 6 with cjc-1295 stack is considered an HGH post cycle therapy (pct). However, i am guessing it is not limited to that and can be used as a stand alone to increase mass or fat loss or both??


You are exactly right. Peptides are going to increase your natural growth production rather you are using them alone or while/after on full 191.

ok, thats what I wanted to know. Thanks again SRC! I will definitely be making a purchase in the coming week with you guys. You have answered all my questions thus far!
Iv been taking ghrp6 and really havent notice shit, I feel like it may give me a little more energy durring cardio. I feel like it makes my shin a little tougher too, I know it sounds wierd but every month it got harder for my pins to puncture the skin.
anybody want to share there experience with ghrp6? Im curious how its going for you?
I'm using low doses just to heal joint/tendon pains and injuries. Pretty quickly I noticed less pain after starting. NO tangible gains tho =/. I concur, skin is tougher too. Face looks more youthful also
I use higher doses of GHRP-6 throughout cycle. It is cheap so o well. I notice the increase fat burn, recovery, huge appetite (mixed blessing depending on your goals), and some of the effects you expect from gH regarding muscle development. It is definitely not gH, but it also doesn't cost $15 a day to run.
Guys just don't order from Pro peptides or ,Melanotan US Incorporated . These companies sell products that are just malititol.
They are also vials filled with bacteria. I would find a good supplier as peptides work great if real ...