What is it about olive oil


Pain is for losers
I am curious about exactly what benefits olive oil has on one's diet? I am on a diet now that was prescribed by 3J that uses alot of olive oil. I have read other BB diets and seen other posts suggesting, what I would call massive, injestion of olive oil. So what gives?
simply put your body needs good fats... olive oil is something that gives your body good fats.. so is almond butter.. avocado oil... etc..

your body needs those fats for specific purposes... ones that are too deep to go into detail here...

olive oil is the easiest way to get these fats in
Right now I have two chicken breasts marinating in a ziplock back with a healthy amount of olive oil, garlic, and rosemary.....

EVOO(Extra virgin olive oil) is top notch for the health.

Try taking a teaspoon of Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar every day :D Then you will want to wonder why someone takes it LOL