What is my body fat (pic)

diet kid..just diet...6 pack made in kitchen you have all the test and metabolism you need at 18 just dont eat crap
You should have never started gear this young. And why the hell didn't you start with a cutting cycle? You need it.
Diet is the most underestimated tool in bodybuilders arsenal. Eat right. Eat on time. Step up your cardio. At your age itll peal off you in no time if you have the discipline.
I would guess around 25% bf

You don't need drugs you need a diet. Diet is by far the most important factor.
your body fat is approaching 25%. If you are really 18, please wait on AAS. Your bones, including the ones in your skull, are still cementing into place. Wait until you're 25 at least. Do some research about the potential pitfalls of AAS at your age.

To shred, lock down your diet.
Bro, I'd wait til at least 21-22 to start. Learn all you can and follow a strict diet and fat burning routine for a year. Gear isnt going to get you shredded if you have over !5% bf.