What is the best cutting/recomp SARM/ Sarms Stack

So, 2 weeks into the cycle of S-4 and Osta my rats feel gooood. Increases in strength are noticeable and some muscle hardness. My question now is, since my rats are so lean and want to build some muscle should i add LGD-4033 into this cycle or is it too late already?
Like i wrote earlier, my bottle of GW50 had a broken seal and it was leaking, i contacted SarmsSearch about it thru their contact page twice so far and did not get a reply back nor hear anything from them. I really would like them to replace this one bottle since it is expensive, otherwise i would have paid for a new one. Also i would like to get some LGD but
will hold on for a while and see if they make it right and at least reply to my emails.
As far as their product and shipping, it is great, i have no complains there.
Just got my package from SS and i am little disappointed, one of the bottles which is GW50 had a broken seal and it was already leaking and 1/3 emptier.

I sent a message to SS and hopefully it will get resolved and send me a new bottle.

So can't start my rats on this cycle until i get a new bottle :(

I have never seen this happen. When Sarms are shipped to you, they're not only in several layers of bubble wrap, but they're also bound tightly in a ziplock Baggie...then usually the box is stuffed with peanuts.

I guess the postman pulled an Ace Ventura and kicked your box around. Send me a message with your order info and we will get this taken care of.
I have never seen this happen. When Sarms are shipped to you, they're not only in several layers of bubble wrap, but they're also bound tightly in a ziplock Baggie...then usually the box is stuffed with peanuts.

I guess the postman pulled an Ace Ventura and kicked your box around. Send me a message with your order info and we will get this taken care of.

I tried sending you a PM but it says i can't, any other way i can contact you?
I think you do not have enough posts yet to PM is the issue. Cannot remember how many you need. I am going to try PMing you and see if that works. If so, I can relate the info to psizzle for you. If not...I am sure she will figure something out.
Since nobody has replied to my thread and me being impatient I went ahead and bought a triple stack from SS

After some research, I got Osta, S4 and GW, hopefully this stack will get me the results i am looking for.

that is a DOPE stack....you are going to be AMAZED at the changes you see in your body.
I have never seen this happen. When Sarms are shipped to you, they're not only in several layers of bubble wrap, but they're also bound tightly in a ziplock Baggie...then usually the box is stuffed with peanuts.

I guess the postman pulled an Ace Ventura and kicked your box around. Send me a message with your order info and we will get this taken care of.

Stuffed with peanuts? what kind? Are the peanuts extra? what a great deal, free peanuts with every purchase! Think of all that good fiber.
It is early, and I am still drinking my coffee with coconut oil added, but you two do know it is packing peanuts (made of foam) right?

oh, I got all excited over it, sorry :) but it does sound like a good promo offer too, lol.
Thank You psizzle_8 and cybrsage for sorting out my problem. I got a brand new bottle of GW50 shipped together with my order of LGD.

Started my rats 4 weeks ago on Osta and S4 and results have been incredible, now with the help from LGD and GW50 that i am gonna throw into the mix i should see better results hopefully.