What is the best way to open Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) amps?


Young Dirty Couch Bouncer
What is the best way to open HCG amps?

Ive got Pregnyl 1500 from Organon with the 1ml amp of "solvent". What is the best, easiest way to "snap" open the amps so I can mix them? I've read that it is easy to just snap the amp but won't little shards of glass end up in it?
pen cap has alwyas worked fine for me, although ive never used icns... wich i hear are a bitch cause they're not pre scored.
Amp opener all the way. To cheap not to buy one. Unless your using something like viromone where the tops practically fall off on their own.
I use the foil pouch that an alcohol pad comes in, after using the pad to wipe down the amp

fuck, i'm not even sure where I found this 13 year old thread. sorry bout the antique bump