What is the best weight loss drug?


New member
I am 5'6 to 5'7 male and weight 240lbs and 45 to 48 percent body fat. I see so many diet pills online like xantex3 and yellowjacket, the list goes on. Can you please tell me what the best diet pills are that will give you energy and make the pounds roll off.
Thanks and I cant wait for the replies.
Any one of the following four things will work wonders for you.

1. Diet

2. Cardio and Diet.

3.Lifting weights and Diet.

4. Cardio, lifting weights and Diet.

It all starts with diet, the first couple of months of dedication will see the biggest changes.

Weigh yourself one morning per week right after waking up, before eating or drinking. Ignore any fluctuations in weight at other times of the day.

Work out how many calories you eat per day, reduce by 500. Small changes make big differences.

When your weight is no longer going down reduce calories again.

Continue this for a year whilst lifting weights and doing cardio, even if it is just gentle walking to start with.

Come back in a year and thank everybody for their advice, then seek advice on fine tuning your new impressive physique, such as building more muscle etc.

Or alternatively sit around looking for a magic pill that will do it all for you with none of the effort. Just so you know there are certain supplements that can help aid weight loss but none that compare to following the above and you have no business using them until you have got down to maybe 15%BF or even lower without them. Not just because you dont need them at higher BF but also because they are worthless without the ability to control your weight and BF without them.
I would have to agree with the other guys, diet and exercise!
There's no magic wand or pill that will melt the lb's away. You didn't put it on over night, don't expect to take it off over night.
LMFAO!!!! well i know this is a "LITTLE" against rules BUT... you know there is a powder out there that gets you all hyped up and kills fat like no other ;) . alot of models use it. out of your system in 3 days hahahahahahaha!
I am 5'6 to 5'7 male and weight 240lbs and 45 to 48 percent body fat. I see so many diet pills online like xantex3 and yellowjacket, the list goes on. Can you please tell me what the best diet pills are that will give you energy and make the pounds roll off.
Thanks and I cant wait for the replies.

like the boys said diet an cardio is the best thing if you make the change be dedicated !! stick to it these weight loss pills n drinks etc are bullshit !!!! money spinners thats it !!! join a gym see a personal trainer etc........ it will make you happier an change you as a person buddy good luck !!!
Just choose healthier options, eat smaller portions, and start to incorporate exercise into your daily lifestyle. I promise you'll see plenty of weight loss.

The diet 'pills' are mostly for those that want to get from like 8% to 4%. You can get to 15/20% very easily, and it's not hard to maintain.