What is the most CC's I can inject into 1 muscle?


New member
What is the most CC's I can inject into 1 muscle?... Im assuming the bigger the muscle the more it can take.
What is the most CC's I can inject into 1 muscle?... Im assuming the bigger the muscle the more it can take.

Hard to say. Most keep it at 3cc or less but you're right that the larger the muscle, the more oil it can hold. I've pushed 5cc into my quads and ventroglutes before, but that only lasted a couple weeks because it always left be barely able to use my legs.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^I BET^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Muscle size pain tolerance. 3 was my max..now I only do 1...a day when cycling..quad s delts.
I have done up to 3cc into my delts. They hurt afterwards for a couple of hours but it goes away. But I prefer to pin more frequently to be able to inject less volume. I prefer keeping the injection at 2cc or less for all of the main sites.
Ive been getting some pretty solid pip with the ace /prop doesn't seem to make any difference 1cc 3cc feels pretty much the same but 3 is max for me (that's all my syringe holds )
Prefer between 1 and 2 cc. But do up to 3cc occasionally in delts and more so in quads.

In my hay day I used to do 3cc ED but then it just got stupid
Ive been getting some pretty solid pip with the ace /prop doesn't seem to make any difference 1cc 3cc feels pretty much the same but 3 is max for me (that's all my syringe holds )
That's what I've noticed. If the stuff gives me PIP, it gives me PIP no matter how much. I've been doing a lot of large injections lately and strangely, my delts seem the most forgiving (2.5-3mL injections). Maybe I've just killed off all the nerves in there...
What is the most CC's I can inject into 1 muscle?... Im assuming the bigger the muscle the more it can take.

3cc/ml glutes 1.5-2ml delts and quads. 1ml trap/lat IMO and give each spot 2 weeks before pining again. rotate 4 spots if you pin 2 a week and you should be good.