What is your favorite natty test booster?


New member
I have tried a few different ones in the past with varied results. The one that worked the best for me was HcGenerate by Needtobuildmuscle. I tried this over the summer stacked with their Ancient Strength creatine and Gear protein supp and really noticed a difference. I wanted to try Triazole but just haven't gotten around to it yet, plus I had such good results the first time that I just ran the Hcgenerate on its own!
So let me know what you guys have tried and what has worked for you.

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I got to say i like the HCGenerate for this (thow im on hrt so im not the norm case for its use) and phyto-test from pp was pritty good libido boost while on my hrt last time.
i want to try the Forma-Stanzol, phytotest and hcgenerate (got some left so) when im done my bulking cycle, and start my hrt/recompe for the spring. and see how it helps keep water off and libido up along with my hrt.

still on the fence on throwing beasdrol in there with it.

but i got to say I like how the forma looks and REALLY want to give it a go VERY soon.
FORMA-STANZOL decreases SHBG thus increasing androgen activity, which basically frees up test, making androgens in your systems MORE effective.
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I am going to be running Phytoserm 347 as soon as I get my elbow taken care of...It seems to be another popular product.
That would be interesting as I'm sure you get regular bloods drawn.

welll its been about that time again for blood test.
i am on my own HTR now, its ALOT cheaper then paying a couple hundrend for a shot of test when you can get a couple bottles give or take for the same price (trying not to price talk so im being very broad in my example).

now if i was coverd for scripts it would be diff :-)
I am going to be running Phytoserm 347 as soon as I get my elbow taken care of...It seems to be another popular product.

thats a nice look.any chance to get you to throw up a log here?

also good luck on the elbow I hope it goes well.