What kind of dogs do BBs have?

a Female Siberian husky and a female mixed pit.

The husky is only 7 months and pushes my buttons everyday. Shes a handfull to say the least.
Had two German Rotty's. One was 170 and the other was 185. Had them flown in from a German breeder. They were work dogs used to help me pull stuff and do yard work. Sigh they're in doggy heaven now. Names were Butch and Sundance. I know corny right?
Always had pit bulls since I was 13 yrs old.. Always wanted an American Bulldog but never have been able to get one.. Biggest pi was my American Blue and weighed 120 lbs.. His name was Brutus.. Now I got me a 80 lbs Rednose from a friends neighbor who was gonna put him down.. He's our big baby.. Damn dog steals my pillow from me at night, then snores.. lmao.. Wife wasn't about haven dogs in the bed at first.. I grew up with dogs sleeping wit me so I told her get used to it or get comfortable on the couch... LMAO:whipping:
im buying a nice 5month old boxer pup today, guys with the boxers how do you like them? i grew up around german shepards as my parents use to breed and train them,i allways liked the boxer though so now im getting one!
they are a good dog. they learn fast and all they want to do is interact with people. my guy is 5months also and he is crate trainning he love it. out for a piss/shiz and right back in eats and goes to his crate.
had lots of dogs growing up, nothing like a boxer. Get boxers for dummies, good quick read. Lots of energy as pups but the ideal companion and incredible with kids.
i feel like such a fag for posting in this thread......i have 2 teacup poodles
a)my gf has allergies so could never get the bulldog i wanted
b)she had 1 before we met

the older one has a massive cock n balls so it makes it a bit better

in reality they are awesome, i just dont walk them on a leash (if i did you may as well put a dick in my ass too)

my neighboor had a pitbull,beautiful dog, i think in the right hands they are great, and get a bad wrap cause of retarded owners
Heres mine

lmao, bacon?