What Letrozole Dose Did YOU Use?


New member
I would like to know from you guys that have used Letro, what dose did you use. I don't care what your friend took, or your mom, or what you read on steroids.com. I just want to know what you guys took.

I hate to sound like a dick after such a long vacation from the site, but I figured this will limit the feedback to more credible responses.

Thanks in advance!
Uhhhh, it depends on the dose of aromatizing AAS I'm on? I'm currently using 2.75mg/wk, but that's for a higher dosed cycle.
My man! Still spreading the knowledge around here.

How about 400ish per week.

I'm thinking about .625. Just because that's 1/4 of a dose of what I'm using, and that's an easy amount to get exact.
Yeah, I'm like a bad rash that just won't go away. ;)

This is tough to answer as we all aromatize differently, but I'd wager that 625mcg as you suggest (split E3.5D) should be sufficient. I usually get a blood test when trying new doses of AAS just to fine tune things, and really recommend you do the same.

Of course there are symptoms of high/low estradiol, but it sucks that they're so damn similar. The only ones that I've found that I can use are the sock-line test (having a noticeable deep impression on your ankle at the sock line) for high E2, and sand in the joints pain for lower estradiol. They're not really fool proof, but can help if getting a private test isn't possible still the time. ;)

Glad to see you back! :)
Thanks for the input. I plan on getting bloodwork done about 6 weeks in. I should see and feel some results by then, and I can get bloodwork to confirm.

How many days after pinning do you suggest getting the bloodwork?