What other meal plan works, if you cant afford 3J?


New member
My current stats and diet as follows:

Breakfast- 3 eggwhites 1 whole, 1 cup of oatmeal.
Pre-workout- Turkey sandwich and small salad
Post-workout- 4 oz chicken, 1 sweet potato, and salad
meal 4- telapia, sweet potato, and fruit salad.
meal 5- same as 4
midnight meal- Greek yogurt and oatmeal with natual honey.

But I got a new job and need help or advice on what can be adjusted and added to the diet. Been on Test E but now itll be hectic with my new work schedule to get all meals in.

Weight: 210
Height: 6'2

Thanks guys in advance! Any help always appreciated
depends,, what are your goals, ? are you cutting, bulking, re-comp, just maintenance ??

- if I was to guess, looking at what you eat (but not knowing your training),, that you are carrying some belly fat
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My main goal is to just keep up the muscle I have but cut back on the belly as you mentioned. I would love to get huge but not bodybuilder big. I normally train for about an 1 1/2 hours for 4-5 days a week. I do cardio about 3 days a week but cant seem to get to my " Huge" goal. I want to add Test E and see what I get from that on top of my diet. I figured I should ask on here and see if anyone has input.

I dont plan on competeing and accomplishing this goal would make me extremely happy. Im not into fitness model bodies but something more like this.....

I am a firm believe that a nutritional plan should be based on an individual. Not a generic formula that everyone uses. The best advice I can offer is to educate yourself of a number of different nutritional strategies. Try them and find one that works for you. Knowledge is priceless. Knowing what your doing and why your doing it will always benefit you.
you do know that i have a free diet advice thread in the diet section correct? if finances are an issue its a great way to get a critique and make some adjustments
1. I took absolutely no offense! You have a god given right to find your own path it was just a suggestion

2. I agree with Schred.. Take time to learn your body.. Yes a coach might speed that up bit in the end it's your body and it's on you
What would you guys suggest I add/ take away from my diet from I posted above? Should I add another meal or just add more to each meal?
1. I took absolutely no offense! You have a god given right to find your own path it was just a suggestion

2. I agree with Schred.. Take time to learn your body.. Yes a coach might speed that up bit in the end it's your body and it's on you

I look at it like going to the doctors office. You are going to acheive a far better result going in there knowing what your talking about and working as a team rather than having one guy tell the other what to do. Same as a coach, learn you body, know what your talking about then go to someone with a bit more knowledge that you and work together as a team.
You should read post one of my free diet advice thread... You havn't come close to giving me enough info for a proper critique