What should i get?


New member
I wanna start takin some steroids but i dont know what ones to get. any suggestions? Ive been doin some research but i want to get your opinions
too young and too light.
also if you did reserched enuff then you knwo "wich one" there is only one so this shlould not be some hassle to figer out.

no advice from mee other then not ready.
alright general consensus no steroids. so any good supplements anyone can suggest?

food and creatine for a few more years. dont wate that time hang here and learn from the diet and training forum and keep researching in the anabolic forum so you will know your shit when the time comes.
Juiced-Porkchop just said the recomended supps..Whey protein and creatine monohydrate.. Other than that, FOOD! You're so young you really should be able to make pimo gains with your natural hormone output! Just research diet and training techniques, It'll come with patience, discipline and focus. Nothings free and theres no magic pills, No pain-No gain!!
protein, creatine, glutamine and bcaa's all the supps you will need. There are tons of places to get them, looks around for the best deals and loyalty programs for the best savings.