What Should My Cycle Be? Brand New Please Help.


New member
Hey guys,

I'm brand new to all of this and this site so all help will be noted and appreciated.

I have been working out 6 days/week consistently for about 3 years now, I have an okay physique but I'm really looking to get shredded along with some size.

I also have my nutrition on point. I am a certified personal trainer and nutritionist. I own my own physical fitness business.

I'm 6'6"
21 years old
BF % 15%
No injuries
have difficulty gaining size for my height, and trouble shedding some unwanted body fat in spite of a pin point diet and exercise program.

I lift hard and heavy and focus on proper form.

I have made the decision to start taking steroids/ test/ whatever the best thing for me to take legal or illegal, and I Have a local supplier.

Lastly, I have no clue what my cycle should be, I don't trust meat heads at the gym.

Thanks for your help.
Read the stickies bro, it should be a simple 500 - 600 mgs/week test cycle for a first cycle. combined with AI and PCT. Considering your only 21 I wouldn't recommend it but if your mind is set to hop on thats what you should do.
Too young for gear. Your endocrine system is not fully developed yet. Cycling at that age is dangerous. Imagine having permanent erectile dysfunctional in your early 20's? Do you really want to worry about ED, Hair Loss, acne, and many other issues at that age?
You are still to young.. At this point I would eat and lift, eat and lift.. And in the mean time educate yourself on AAS use.. Trust me in a few years you will have the knowledge that you will need.. Remember work on eating clean, mind muscle connection and form.. That way if you do choose to use in the future it will all come together..
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