What to add to TEST E for bulking?


New member
Hey guys,

I'm currently on cycle, 15 weeks in and just on TEST E 500mg/w right now. I find that the results just seem to be getting better now. I started off running Tren E @400mg/w, Test E @ 300mg/w and Anavar (var) at 50mg/day for 11 weeks and would like to keep going. I got a fairly good body recomposition off this but the Tren is just not for me. I really couldn't sleep much and besides some strength gains and tons of sweating I didnt really enjoy it too much.

I was contemplating grabbing more Test E and possibly some Deca or Primo...I'm looking to put on some more lean mass and try to keep my bodyfat roughly where it is now.

Any suggestions?

Oh and by the way this is my second cycle, i"ve been getting my health monitored by the doc and everything is perfect. A little bit of gyno flare up but controlling it with Adex. And i'm not interested in Dbol. I'm looking to extend by 12-15 weeks and then do my post cycle therapy (pct) and stay off for a while and cut without gear in the spring.

I appreciate your input.

Also I'm 29 yrs old, 5'9" and 220 at 14%bf and my doc said i have naturally low T
at this point i'd suggest ramping the compounds down and cruising for a little while instead of throwing more stuff in
Tbol with less sides or anadrol, with testosterone e, and now you need a even blood level anabolic like deca or equipoise. Either one will suffice. Dude this is just from my research. I'm sure some guys here will chime in with some better suggestions. good luck
at this point i'd suggest ramping the compounds down and cruising for a little while instead of throwing more stuff in

Sorry, I forgot to mention. I've been runing about 250 a week recently for the past 2-3 weeks as I'm running low and trying to decide what to do. So I am cruising. If I ramp up it would be probably a month or two from now. I just want suggestions as to what compound I should add for some more lean gains. Also what dosages would be recommended?
i don't know bro, you saying all you got from tren were sides and strength gains? You didn't pack meat on in 11 weeks? Sumthin aint rite there bro.
there's a lot of options on what to add to a bulk. Mostly it's your diet that dictates whether you're bulking or cutting, yes some compounds are more suited for either bulking or cutting but you get my point.

look into:

For orals:

tbol(more of a lean bulk with this oral)
(not saying dbol because you dont want it)


deca(need to run caber with it or at least make sure to have it on hand)
EQ(more of a lean bulker, watch your bp on it, if it gets high, it may mean that rbc is getting high)
Primo(can definitely be added even if you add other inj but keep in mind that primo is very expensive and probably one of if not the most faked roid)
Masteron(not really a bulker but I actually like to add it to all my cycles because it makes the other compounds work better)

Just some compounds for you to think about and do some research on it.

Also, I don't get what you mean by post cycle therapy (pct)? I thought you were blasting and cruising, if thats the case, you don't need to post cycle therapy (pct) after a cycle, just do your testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose.

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i don't know bro, you saying all you got from tren were sides and strength gains? You didn't pack meat on in 11 weeks? Sumthin aint rite there bro.

11 weeks a fairly long tren cycle, too. Tren is off the chain with..well pretty much everything. If you want to keep it going for another 12-15 weeks like you said I would recommend eq and some tbol. Lean, quality gains.
first u say u'r running test e at 500mg per week, then a posts later u say u are running 250mg... what's the real story? sounds like u just making shit up ;)
sorry, a little tired today. To Clarify:

weeks 1-6 test E 500mg/w Tren E 400mg/w Anavar 50mg/w
sides:couldn't sleep more than 2 hrs per night
Therefore switched to:
weeks 7-11: Test E 300mg/W tren E 400mg/W Anavar 50mg/week
weeks 12-14: Test E 500mg/W
week 15:300 mg Test E
week 16 (now): 250 mg

I've lost about 10 lbs of muscle and probably put on about 15 to 20....so it was a great cycle. But I'd like to keep going as my sides are minimum and see if i can add a bit more size (15-20 lbs) and break some strength plateaus and hopefully maintain this all after cylce. My eating has gone up drastically in the past few weeks but as I'm running out of Test in my bottle I'm strongly contemplating purchasing more and something else...something different that would give me an extra boost i'm looking for.

I'm leaning more towards an injectable since I've been taking orals for around 3 months I'd like to give the kidneys and liver a bit of a break.

And no i'm not on TRT. Just extending my cycle. Once I finish and run my PCT I will get my blood work done again to assess my hormone levels again and see what the doctor thinks. Although last time I had blood work done he was leaning towards prescribing me Test.
id do your post cycle therapy (pct), take a 12 wk , then get back. what u could run with your test is: deca, npp, primo, tbol, dbol, var.
Yeah. You're probably right. My only hesitation with starting the PCT was that I've heard that the longer the cycle is (within reason) the more gains you keep. Although I have been eating like a horse lately and have everything I need for PCT so I should probably just get off, train hard, take my Nolva and Clomid, recover and eat like a beast. Then I'll get my blood work done a few weeks later and see where I'm at then possibly run 12-16 weeks later.
Im a Anavar (var) fan myself

To be honest, I think I had fake Anavar (var) ...I didn't notice a damn thing. The test and tren were for sure legit but the tren...i burned through 3 bottles and didn't notice any difference at all. Unless my body doesn't respond to it or the Tren made the effects unnoticeable. But I've heard that the UGL I get is kinda sketchy
i think you meant var, not tren hehe. If you get legit Anavar from a place like Pinn it is noticable. I could see if taking tren it could be more subtle because your strength is flying anyway.
Bro if I were you I would just add in EQ and run it for LOOOOONG time. Anavar is great to add in too. EQ really helps overall by giving more stamina, faster recovery, strength gains, size gains, increased appetite, and slight fat burning it seems. I love EQ and the best part is side effects are almost non existent with EQ
dude, your test dosage was up and down like a newlywed's thong... take a break, do a proper pct of clomid/nolva and then start a real cycle in 3 mths or so