What to do about mid cycle traveling?


New member
Okay, so I wanna do a cycle but I travel...a lot. The best opportunity I have is coming up when I'll only be gone once but it'll be for about 10 days. Trying to figure out how to work this. My best guess is since I'm using long half life esters cyp and enth I can double dose just before the trip and will at least be at trt levels by the end of the trip. I do have a pretty legit prohormone on hand (DMZ 3.0) which I'm also considering to help bridge the gap. I know this isn't optimal but it's that or never do a cycle longer than a month which I know isn't good. And it will be international so can't risk going through customs with anything (Australia if that matters). Thoughts?

Stats just in case they matter, 32, 250lbs, done a few cycles before but last ended in July. Cycle will be Test/Tren to start and switch to Test/Mast half way through. Once again, I know nothing about this is optimal.
Not so much, still doing things the hard way. Don't wanna end up like Stallone, heard he got caught by aussie customs with gh. Sad and funny at the same time.
Just use long esters and take an injection right before you go. You will be fine for 10 days.

Some guys mail gear in advance to their destination. That increases risk though.
I m not trying to pry but I travel EXTENSIVELY nationally and internationally both for familial and employment purposes...where you going ?

As where ur going could be the answer. I do have a Rx but rather than explain to the Simean s TSA chooses to grant authority too or research and guess a host countries stance on AAS...or any liquids for that matter..in my luggage I approach the problem as follows.
I go to NYC to see little T for 3-5 nights at a time--no plan necessary.
W-Europe- Have a test stash at cousin Svens in Bavaria.
E Europe--AAS and pins are located next to the aspirin tampons and pencils ( not really but you get my point) Don't risk bringing into a country what is readily available.
Middle East--AAS are mostly OTc. Getting and using are cake. Mailing home involves a custom s official so unless you ve developed an interaction with one---don't.

Plan properly...don t do a cycle dependent upon orals ( though they are easier to smuggle in an aspirin bottle etc) and or short esters. As Mega said 10 days to 2 weeks w-o you will be OK. It s not optimum but u do what you can as you can with what you gots.....
Remember--Low level beaurocrats..ie airport sec. are a common demominater and are not that hard to fool. However if your caught their the 1 st to show how bad ass they are so if your caught your fucked.
Jail in W Europe s cake. Jail in the M East or S America...kill urself at the 1 st opportunity. Jail in America...depends on your local....but basically they all suck. Been in and out of em since 90 for 14-17 years...what side of the bars I was in I ll let u decide.
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Last April I ran into this same situation . I just did a pretty hefty dose of test and tren the morning of . I was gone for like 5-6 days . Most of the vets I talked to said I was reading to far into it and would be fine . I took exemestane with me but upon return returned I had run out . It took a few days to get it. In the meantime I got a severe breakout . Not sure if it was the large dose of gears the week earlier or my e2 being jacked around . Austrailia has extremely tight customs . I would not risk transporting.
Last April I ran into this same situation . I just did a pretty hefty dose of test and tren the morning of . I was gone for like 5-6 days . Most of the vets I talked to said I was reading to far into it and would be fine . I took exemestane with me but upon return returned I had run out . It took a few days to get it. In the meantime I got a severe breakout . Not sure if it was the large dose of gears the week earlier or my e2 being jacked around . Austrailia has extremely tight customs . I would not risk transporting.
best to be safe. Mega put it right for you.
Can't you put them in bag medicine? What happen if customs caugh me with a testosteron bottle? I have to traveling soon too in sud america :S
There are different laws in every country and just because u can buy and use em in any country that there legal in does not mean u can import them, savvy ?