what to do if you hit a vein?


New member
Im really curious to what you must do when you hit a vein. Do I just pull out and let the blood flow or apply pressure on the area with an alcohol swab that is flowing out from?
Also, do I just inject in a different area of the muscle , aspirate and then inject both the blood and test inside the syringe?

I knowit's a stupid question.......just too many different opinions from my friends.

Please help!
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Apply pressure till the bleeding stops, change the needle and pin in another location. You should look online for intramuscular injection locations, and remember to aspirate before pushing.
I agree with trust. If you don't switch needles and you're still worried. Use an extra alcohol wipe on the injection site post pin.
Just pin a different sight. You really don't need to change your pin out. Just use a clean alcohol swab for your new injection sight. Also remember to swab in a circular direction from the inside out ( like your drawing a swirl). This keeps keeps you from recontaminating your injection sight.
I agree with trust. If you don't switch needles and you're still worried. Use an extra alcohol wipe on the injection site post pin.

I'm not sure how that will help. If you contaminated the needle or didn't prep the second injection site you can introduce bacteria deep where wiping post pin won't get them.

I'd say prep a big enough area and make sure that your re-pin falls within it and you should be ok.
Just apply pressure and re-inject somewhere else... no need to switch needle.

Agreed bro. So you did a shitty pin but I assure you all is well. Put some pressure, swab new site and pin again. This shit can be startling the first time you see it haha I remember thinking wtf the first time I did it but your good bro. Happy pinning.
Leave the needle in. Remove syringe. Attach heroin prepared syringe. J/k
I have replaced needle first time. and re pinned with same needle a couple times. Never had a problem with using same needle.
If its tren just push the plunger and get that reassuring tightness in the chest you get with good shit.

Just joking***8230;.just pin somewhere else.
and there is no need to pull out the needle completely. Just about half and reposition it at a different angle and aspirate. If no blood, you are good to go.