what to do with hgh


New member
hey guys wass up. to start of im 18 turning 19 in feb. i want to use hgh to grow a few inches and get that super body u know. im 5 9 nd only growed a inch since the summer of before freshman year. im tryna be at least 6 2. i ve been over weight all my life but got skiiny den fact agen.so i want some help now.do u think is possible to grow up to dat height in a year. how much will i have to take everyday to be that hieght. also how do u mix the powder with the chemical water. l didnt understand dooms post 1 bit man. like if u can explain it detaily. like for example if i get a kit how much chemical water i need to mix with it with. is it 1 iu of chemical water with 1iu of powder hgh.plzz guys i need help. nd also if u cud put a website where u get ur hgh nd chemical water nd needles. thanx guy it will help alot. nd pllzz help. i need that height.
hey guys wass up. to start of im 18 turning 19 in feb. i want to use hgh to grow a few inches and get that super body u know. im 5 9 nd only growed a inch since the summer of before freshman year. im tryna be at least 6 2. i ve been over weight all my life but got skiiny den fact agen.so i want some help now.do u think is possible to grow up to dat height in a year. how much will i have to take everyday to be that hieght. also how do u mix the powder with the chemical water. l didnt understand dooms post 1 bit man. like if u can explain it detaily. like for example if i get a kit how much chemical water i need to mix with it with. is it 1 iu of chemical water with 1iu of powder hgh.plzz guys i need help. nd also if u cud put a website where u get ur hgh nd chemical water nd needles. thanx guy it will help alot. nd pllzz help. i need that height.

Your doctor will provide you with a prescription if he/she finds it necessary. Be sure to inquire about it since they won't bring it up themselves. GH takes about 6 months to 'prime' in the body ive noticed - dont expect results extremely fast but definitely go through your doc on this one. You don't seem very versed in the underground world of anabolics (no offense brother)
No way Jose and 4everbulking lol ah buddy not sure where to start but I will say this you gotta spend a lot more time doing research!! Not sure if your post is a prank but you aint getting any taller just like my dick aint getting any bigger! Ive prob done about 20 cycles in my young life and theres veterans on this site that are more knowledgeable than me so make sure you at least read the rules, which is my second advice for u third maybe starting out with a test only cycle is most likely a good first option for u. Slown down buddy time is on ur side.
thats in growth hormone 2, or insulin like growth factor 2, Im not sure, don't remember to well. But regular HGH is not going to make you grow taller. I don't think.
hey guys wass up. to start of im 18 turning 19 in feb. i want to use hgh to grow a few inches and get that super body u know. im 5 9 nd only growed a inch since the summer of before freshman year. im tryna be at least 6 2. i ve been over weight all my life but got skiiny den fact agen.so i want some help now.do u think is possible to grow up to dat height in a year. how much will i have to take everyday to be that hieght. also how do u mix the powder with the chemical water. l didnt understand dooms post 1 bit man. like if u can explain it detaily. like for example if i get a kit how much chemical water i need to mix with it with. is it 1 iu of chemical water with 1iu of powder hgh.plzz guys i need help. nd also if u cud put a website where u get ur hgh nd chemical water nd needles. thanx guy it will help alot. nd pllzz help. i need that height.

I loath you and your feeble mind. You are 18 years old, you know what that means? You are barely a man. It also means your tiny body is still producing vast quantities of its own GH, no need for supplementation. Furthermore, as great as supplementary GH can be gievn the right circumstances, in order to increase height to any noticeable amount larger amounts of GH are needed and this brings with it a large scale of problems. There are some people who continue to produce far larger than normal amounts of GH over their lives...This is a disease known as giantism and its not a good thing. Remember Andre the giant? If one uses too much GH like your ignorant butt is talking about you are going to cause serious damage to your AP and put so much stress on your organs( cuz they grow too) that you may very well kill yourself or drastically shorten your life span. If you want a professional opinion go see you dr and have him send you to an endocrinologist who will reiterate to you what ive just said.
Look on the bright side, youre 18, you will likely continue to grow for another 2-4 years. If you have short parents and short people in your family, well, you got the short end of the stick (pun intended).