What to stack with GW-501516 (Cardarine)


New member
Ive heard that N2Slin stacked with GW is pretty good with no sides. Would anyone recommend this over say S-4 or Ostarine. I am 5'8 about 185lbs and 15%. I would like to cut down to under 10%. Which stack do you think would be the best option? I am liking the sound of N2Slin with GW because there is no need for pct. What are your opinions about this? Should I add something else to that stack if I run that? If there is anything that would be more effective than im open to suggestions.
its basally a GDA (glucose disposal agent) , it mimics insulin (enhances insulin) and helps lower blood sugar levels by shuttling nutrients into muscle . supposedly there is a way that this product works that blocks the shuttling of glucose into adipose tissue . but I have no clue how that mechanism of action works.

i have a similar product , that I've not used yet (been on back order), but i will be using when I'm not running hgh with actual insulin. called Slin-1 .
Ive heard that N2Slin stacked with GW is pretty good with no sides. Would anyone recommend this over say S-4 or Ostarine.

these are totally different . s4 and Osta are SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators) , they bind to androgen receptors in muscle tissue. N2 and GW are not Sarms, they work in totally different ways . the former can help build muscle tissue, that latter can help with expending energy and fatty acid metabolism
Why the hell do people still think there is some magic pill out there that burns away fat? Cardarine may say it will but in my experience at 20mg a day all it did was give me a huge increase in stamina and energy. I ran it for 8 weeks and didn't really see any fat burning effects. I liked it as far as energy goes but diet, exercise and muscle are the only true fat burners.

Don't waste your money

EDIT: And Tren, Tren burned fat off me like a MF
Ok I know this is basic but I can use some help please.
Just got my GW 501516 and its 30ml and I want to do 10mg a day. I have a 1ml syringe.
Help me figure out to work the syringe.
Thanks guys! (and girls)