What to work on...

I'd say chest, lats, traps, and tri's. Are you taking anything? If your 6-2 you must be pretty lankish weighing in at 164, can you post up any other pics? Do you take anything?
You look really good....you just need more mass to you.

Go on a bulking diet.

Also....some more pics at better angles would give us a better idea of your weak and strong body parts.
heavy squats and deadlifts. you look great though man. shit dedication to the physique at a younge is awesome. wish i could fly back in time.
Have you always been super lean?? If so, I'd consume massive amounts of calories and let the body fat creep up a little bit to allow for maximum muscle growth. If you haven't always been lean and you have to work on it (long cardio sessions, restricting calories, etc), I'd look to figure out your daily caloric intake (fitday.com is a great resource) and add a 500-700 calorie meal each day... You'll find that the one meal a day should aid you in gaining about a pound/week.