what Tren Dose do you prefer?

i like 50 mg eod stacked with test and deca...

anything beyond that i get too fucking aggressive, sweats and nightmares.

5x's the strength of test, 200 mg tren still roughly to taking a gram of test.

quality of life/ health/ mental attitude all taken into consideration.. for me personally - high doses of tren just aren't fucking worth it
Trenbolone has mental sides for many that goes far beyond the usual aggression that most encounter with other AAS. Some examples that I notice personally are: An increased sensitivity to time - you feel like you're being timed for everything and are constantly in a rush to get whatever you're doing done - NOW, your subconscious has a much louder voice than usual - "is that dude really trying to stare me down??!" "Why is my girl acting this way? She must be up to SOMETHING!", it tends to make me a lot more direct - "So, you don't want to hang out tomorrow night because you're just too f'ing cool to chill with me?!". The list could go on and on.

I remember reading and listening to friends telling me about this side effect, but thought that there's no way I'd have to worry as I'm pretty chill 99% of the time. I was definitely wrong, and while they don't sound serious, they can cause problems if not handled. I've told this story before, but as it fits here I don't mind telling it again:

I was on my second cycle of tren, and I wanted to see how far I could push things as I stayed relatively conservative my first run. I was still using acetate as I knew that if I went too far, I'd want to have the ability to pull the plug ASAP. I worked my way up to almost a gram after sitting at 850mg for a week, and felt fine. The sweats sucked and my breathing during cardio was a challenge - but nothing I couldn't handle. Anyway, I came home one day early and saw my wife's car in her parking spot. I remember thinking it was odd as she hadn't mentioned anything to me, and she wasn't due home from work for at least a couple more hours. My subconscious (normally a whisper we ignore) started screaming at me that she was home with another man!

I'm not the jealous type, nor had I ever suspected this - but I was quickly convincing myself this was the case. I vividly recall the feelings of rage and hurt as I felt my jaw and fists clenching as I lumbered down the walkway to our front door. There was a man there, in my bed, plowing my wife - and I was going to kill them both with my bare hands. No questions asked, no words period, just a simple minute of absolutely justified violence.

I got to the door, and paused for a second. Where the fuck did this come from?! I knew there was a good reason for her being home early, but I was so sure of the worst! I literally just stood there, with my key in the door for what felt like a good hour, then opened the door...

Turns out her work let out for the day early, and she wanted to surprise me by cleaning up the house a bit. Yeah, I'm very thankful that not only did I pause a minute as it would have been difficult to explain my insane anger - but that an innocent neighbor hadn't just happened to come by. I have zero doubts that I would have gone over the edge instantly.

This experience gave me a great deal of respect for the drug and while I had a great deal of experience with other compounds - there just simply isn't anything quite like trenbolone. While not everyone will have such experiences, it's always a good idea to hope for the best, but plan for the worst. There's a reason why many relationships end or have problems due to tren, this is definitely one of them.

So funny you mentioned an increased sensitivity to time and feeling rushed. I didn't even notice it at the time but this is bang on. I would find myself no matter what im doing, anything, trying to get that thing done as fast as I could as If I was on a deadline or thinking someone else was going to be doing it faster. It like a constant feeling of being rush or like your in a race. Even at the gym I has to get my sets done as fast as I could because I didn't want anyone beating me to the machine I planned on using next, lol. Another thing I found to get me in a bad mood a lot faster than normal was driving. I get annoyed when Im NOT on Tren when I drive because people don't know how to drive but when Im on Tren this aggravation is increased 10x. Ive never had a fit or anything like that, but I could be perfectly chill and I see someone do something I wouldn't have done and its instantly mad. Lol.

Didn't really notice any of this on Ace though, only Enan.
So funny you mentioned an increased sensitivity to time and feeling rushed. I didn't even notice it at the time but this is bang on. I would find myself no matter what im doing, anything, trying to get that thing done as fast as I could as If I was on a deadline or thinking someone else was going to be doing it faster. It like a constant feeling of being rush or like your in a race. Even at the gym I has to get my sets done as fast as I could because I didn't want anyone beating me to the machine I planned on using next, lol. Another thing I found to get me in a bad mood a lot faster than normal was driving. I get annoyed when Im NOT on Tren when I drive because people don't know how to drive but when Im on Tren this aggravation is increased 10x. Ive never had a fit or anything like that, but I could be perfectly chill and I see someone do something I wouldn't have done and its instantly mad. Lol.

Didn't really notice any of this on Ace though, only Enan.

Haha, yep - damn clock keeps ticking away. Never really thought about the driving part, but yup - definitely less patient with Slow Joe in his 91 Cadillac going 5 below the speed limit in front of me.

I get it on both, but I do keep hearing folks having different sides on ace vs enanthate.
Haha, yep - damn clock keeps ticking away. Never really thought about the driving part, but yup - definitely less patient with Slow Joe in his 91 Cadillac going 5 below the speed limit in front of me.

I get it on both, but I do keep hearing folks having different sides on ace vs enanthate.

You what else was weird when comparing the two? When I ran Ace my urine was a completely normal color, bright after vitamins, clear otherwise. But, with Enan it was VERY dark at all times no matter how much water I drank. Not to give to many secrets away about my urination, I just sayin, LOL.
You what else was weird when comparing the two? When I ran Ace my urine was a completely normal color, bright after vitamins, clear otherwise. But, with Enan it was VERY dark at all times no matter how much water I drank. Not to give to many secrets away about my urination, I just sayin, LOL.


Sorry about the caps, I've been waiting for someone else to bring up tren piss. :D

I honestly don't remember if I got it on acetate or not as it's been enanthate after my first two times. It me, or does it smell like burnt coffee? (I don't drink coffee either, and am up to 3 gallons of water a day)

Sorry about the caps, I've been waiting for someone else to bring up tren piss. :D

I honestly don't remember if I got it on acetate or not as it's been enanthate after my first two times. It me, or does it smell like burnt coffee? (I don't drink coffee either, and am up to 3 gallons of water a day)

3 gallons a day, damn! Im at 2 and piss like a racehorse!! Maybe time to up the sodium a bit to hold onto a bit more of it.
It all honesty I noticed the sides from enanthate 2x weekly and acetate EOD to be pretty much on par same dosages too, the only thing that reduced it was acetate ED.
3 gallons a day, damn! Im at 2 and piss like a racehorse!! Maybe time to up the sodium a bit to hold onto a bit more of it.

I don't really hold onto it that much either. I sweat and piss most of it out, or I'd have JUPITER face (bigger than the moon. :p)
Never run tren e due to this, why would I?, I don't.mind ed injections actually I love pinning, but the only thing I get that bothers me from ace is pretty much tren cough after every injections, light sweats, not bad at all tho, not really nightmares, but the dreams are like u are really in them, like it's almost like reality then u wake up lol
Never run tren e due to this, why would I?, I don't.mind ed injections actually I love pinning, but the only thing I get that bothers me from ace is pretty much tren cough after every injections, light sweats, not bad at all tho, not really nightmares, but the dreams are like u are really in them, like it's almost like reality then u wake up lol

Do you cough at every pin site? The only time Id cough is if i pinned in my delts?
Schredder I think that rushing feeling and constant urge to get it done is your interpretation of anxiety induced from Tren. Everyone reacts differently... I love an Adrenaline rush, but have generalised anxiety which has been worsened lately due to hormone swings, bother are a similiar feeling althoguh an adrenaline rush releases endorphins as well dopamine so it is a different feeling slightly.

Tren doesn't give me that god like rush feeling that you seem to feel, I get the anxious and cracked out feeling from Tren. Horrible shit!!!
Yeah I'm the same, Test really kills my anxiety and I believe was a simptom of low test itself as I was never previously like this. Caffeine gives me similiar to Tren induced anxiety, I seem to be prone to it. Test, Dbol and Masteron work wonders for mood, infact I dbol itself is a good anti-depressant to be honest.

Ya mine was a symptom of low Test i came to find out years later. Up until that point is was Dr prescribed SSRIs which now looking back probably caused more damage. And thats a BIG 10-4 on the Mast and Dbol. Mast is great for enhancing mood and well being but I just started a blast and am kickstarting with Dbol Im 2.5 weeks in and Dbol blows any other compound out of the water in terms of effects on mood and sense of well being. I am VERY impressed.
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It's just a side effect 49er
Like people that get anxiety over tren, insomnia, shit like that I don't get other then the fact I feel better on tren then anything else cause I love the aggression it gives me
No its just called got the real deal bro, yes I cough atleast every other injection

What you need to do is use half inch 1 inch is going all the way through your little muscles. Ibe used some of the top private ugl in the industry. How come your the only guy on all the forums that claims you get the cough so frequently? Your probably just lying like everything else you lie about. Tren cough only happens when it gets in the blood stream