what u think? am 18

You're looking great for 18 bro, congrats! Continue to take care of yourself and stay continue to stay in shape always as you get older.
thxs guy. do u guys have any tips on how to make my abs really pop out, Ive been doing crunches but people told me that doesn't work so i stopped.
thxs guy. do u guys have any tips on how to make my abs really pop out, Ive been doing crunches but people told me that doesn't work so i stopped.

Crunches are great!!!!!!!! I personally dont recommend using a weight to do crunches. Obviously weights will thicken the abs. I like abs to show but dont want to thicken my mid section.......

Lookin sharp BTW......keep it up!

lol the stats you listed kinda cracked me up. Your looking good in the pictures don't get me wrong, just got a kick out of you posting your arm size lol because thats so typicall. If your 5 6' 143lbs and you have 16in guns you prolly look pretty disproportionate/ are pulled really far forward. Your back could use some work, and you prolly don't eat nearly enough food if your weighing 143. Just my .02's.
yeah i guess ur right. i mean everything ive done has been by myself , ive never had any advise.Now that i found this forums maybe i can learn a bit more.as far as my weight goes i eat like a beats lol.I dont know why i dont get heavier.Ive gone to 152 pounds but my bysepts go up to 16 1/2.I really dont want to look that big just want to look in shape.
Lol bigger than 155? Then just keep doing what your doing bro and start doing more back and less bi's. I'd be curious to know what you eat typically.
I dont know if u are familiar with cuban or latin food. I eat rice,beans with steak or chicken.I also eat all my food with a salad of tomatoes,avocado and lettuce.Apart from that i eat mcdonalds,burger king,taco bell,KFC,and any type of pizza.
if you're a little active, your diet would barely matter. ure metabolism is very fast and your test levels are high. the older you get the slower your metabolism gets and the lower you test gets. diet becomes more and more a crucial rule.
i went to the doctor not to long ago and he told me my cholesterol was kinda high. i was drinking a weight gainer at the moment.do weight gainers make ur cholesterol increase? if so what is something good i can take to increase my muscle mass
qban you just need to eat more clean foods. You should be eating every 2-3 hours during the day and taking in about 250g of protein at your weight per day. Eggs, fish, chicken, lean beef, everything whole wheat, pasta, bread, brown rice, etc. Start doing heavy lifts, especially for your back. Bent over rows or T-bar rows, heavy pulldowns, weighted pull ups, that will build your back up massively.

PS you are 5 foot 6 which puts you at a great advantage of being able to look huge much easier than us guys who are 6ft +. Take advantage of this! Eat and grow.
I dont know if u are familiar with cuban or latin food. I eat rice,beans with steak or chicken.I also eat all my food with a salad of tomatoes,avocado and lettuce.Apart from that i eat mcdonalds,burger king,taco bell,KFC,and any type of pizza.

Bro... LMAO Wait till you get older! I was just like you when I was 17.. Had a nice body, ate all types of junk food. But when you get older, that shit will catch up to you.. Your metabolism is through the roof now, so you can eat wtf you want without worrying! But when you turn 21+, ha! lol