What would a post cycle therapy (pct) look like after tren e & test e?


New member
What would a PCT look like after tren e & test e?

Still learning guys :p

If I'm to run:

WK 1-12 Test E 400mg a week
WK 1-10 Tren E 500mg a week

How would a post cycle therapy (pct) looks?

Is HCG & Clomid Enough to recover? if so how & when would it be run?
Righto, I just thought by running the trenbolone, things may be a little different? I read somewhere that Nolva should not be used after running tren? Their is different info everywhere on the net.
meh... the net... i prefer torem 60mg ed for 6 weeks with aromasin 12.5 eod or q 4 days for 6 weeks. read the post cycle therapy (pct) protocal sticky.
I would do 250mg of Test E for 3 more weeks and 1000iu of HCG two times a week for 5 weeks. Wait 14 days after the last shot of Test E to start. By the time the test clears stop the HCG and at the same time take 100mg/ed of clomid for 3 weeks and 25mg/ed of aromasin for 6 weeks. Make sure to wait 4-5 days after the last shot of HCG to start Clomid/Aromasin.