What You Need To Know BEFORE You Get A Blood Test

The Almighty

Banned. Put the Board in jeopardy.
Going along with the spirit of drveejay's thread on the necessity of getting blood work done, it is probably a good idea to make it known what tests you should get done.

I remember Seth Roberts gave this list on elite about a year ago, so Im pretty sure this is everything:

Complete Thyroid screen (T-3 uptake, Total T4, Free T4, total T3, Free T3, Free T4 index, TSH, TBG)
Total test
Free test

If you cant afford all that, then you should at least get a Chem-20, Free test, and Total test done.

It is imperative to remember that these tests should be taken after at least an 8-hour fast. And, of course, the only way to compare bloodwork is to get tests done BEFORE and AFTER a cycle. If someone only gets bloodwork done after a cycle, then they obviously have nothing to compare it to.

Just FYI.
Easto said:
How much does blood work cost? I wonder if it is free for Canadians

Well, insurance should cover it, but then again not everyone has some. I remember DRJMW saying something that a full battery of tests would run about $1,000. Again, that is only for the whole package, not what was listed above.

Another thing to remember is that you need a prescription in order to get a blood test done. For this, you can tell your doc that you think your sex drive is low, or you used to smoke a lot of pot as a kid, etc etc.
Golden_Muscle said:
Of course its free. I get liver, kidney, testosterone, and a few others before and after a cycle.

do you tell your doc why. mine asks questions, so i just say i have low libido, and i get the whole schbang
rjl296 said:
do you tell your doc why. mine asks questions, so i just say i have low libido, and i get the whole schbang

Just remember that your doc works for you....its not the other way around. You can say you have had a low sex drive and generally are not feeling as good as you used to.
man im planning on starting my cycle next month but id like to go and get my tests done i have insurance so fuck it ,but the doc is a dick hes a very close family freind ,the mother fucker was lecturing way back when i toild him that i was usin creatine ,immagine gear ,i went after a Winstrol (winny) cycle and my cholesterol was up and my parenst knew before i did ,so..im skectchy i dont wnat that fuck to start calling up and be saying chit
big N said:
man im planning on starting my cycle next month but id like to go and get my tests done i have insurance so fuck it ,but the doc is a dick hes a very close family freind ,the mother fucker was lecturing way back when i toild him that i was usin creatine ,immagine gear ,i went after a Winstrol (winny) cycle and my cholesterol was up and my parenst knew before i did ,so..im skectchy i dont wnat that fuck to start calling up and be saying chit

If going to a normal doc makes you that uncomfortable then go ahead and make a visit to a different doc. Since you have insurance it shouldnt be a problem.
This was just what I was looking for,

The trouble is that I live in Sweden and I don´t know if there are any tests called CBC and Chem-20. I was wondering if anyone could do a simple breakdown on what these tests are supposed do/show and what they include.

It would be greatly appreciated! Sorry for any bad spelling.


The Almighty said:
Going along with the spirit of drveejay's thread on the necessity of getting blood work done, it is probably a good idea to make it known what tests you should get done.

I remember Seth Roberts gave this list on elite about a year ago, so Im pretty sure this is everything:

Complete Thyroid screen (T-3 uptake, Total T4, Free T4, total T3, Free T3, Free T4 index, TSH, TBG)
Total test
Free test

If you cant afford all that, then you should at least get a Chem-20, Free test, and Total test done.

It is imperative to remember that these tests should be taken after at least an 8-hour fast. And, of course, the only way to compare bloodwork is to get tests done BEFORE and AFTER a cycle. If someone only gets bloodwork done after a cycle, then they obviously have nothing to compare it to.

Just FYI.
big N said:
man im planning on starting my cycle next month but id like to go and get my tests done i have insurance so fuck it ,but the doc is a dick hes a very close family freind ,the mother fucker was lecturing way back when i toild him that i was usin creatine ,immagine gear ,i went after a Winstrol (winny) cycle and my cholesterol was up and my parenst knew before i did ,so..im skectchy i dont wnat that fuck to start calling up and be saying chit

Isn't that a breach of doctor patient confidentiality? He could get struck off off for revealing patient details to other parties even if it is your parents.

You either need to change your doctor, or have a serious talk with him and make it clear that family friend or not, you expect your medical information to be kept confidential and that includes your parents.
Essex boy said:
Isn't that a breach of doctor patient confidentiality? He could get struck off off for revealing patient details to other parties even if it is your parents.

You either need to change your doctor, or have a serious talk with him and make it clear that family friend or not, you expect your medical information to be kept confidential and that includes your parents.

Well, whatever you tell your doc is liable to go on your insurance record, since technically they are paying for the visit.

If he does reveal to your insurance company about your habit then they may raise the prices or drop you all together.
Essex boy said:
Isn't that a breach of doctor patient confidentiality? He could get struck off off for revealing patient details to other parties even if it is your parents.

You either need to change your doctor, or have a serious talk with him and make it clear that family friend or not, you expect your medical information to be kept confidential and that includes your parents.

If he's a minor it's totally appropriate. And if the doc's a close family friend, then our bro needs to get out from under M and D's wing and find his own doc.
Re: Re: What You Need To Know BEFORE You Get A Blood Test

GeneticalChallenge said:
This was just what I was looking for,

The trouble is that I live in Sweden and I don´t know if there are any tests called CBC and Chem-20. I was wondering if anyone could do a simple breakdown on what these tests are supposed do/show and what they include.

It would be greatly appreciated! Sorry for any bad spelling.


CBC is a complete blood count. Chem 20 is the standard chemistry panel. Both are standard screening tests in all the Western European countries, and Canada and US.