Whats a good NPP dose? Cycle #2

I do it all the time, Ill go to comment on a thread, get really into it, then an hour later realize the thread is 10 years old. lol

i keep to the "new posts" button for this reason. Takes out the possibility of old threads!
Currently running 450mg test E and 360mg NPP and week 8 starts Tuesday. Pinning t/th/sat and taking .25mg adex on pin days. Have no prolactin issues at this dosage. Up 7 very lean lbs and eating 500 cal over tdee.

May increase NPP to 450mg assuming my elbow injury improves.
I know its an old thread, have been reading up on all the npp slash decca slash nandrolone threads.

Stumbled across the long overlooked discrepancy and thought I'd be all pointexter about it.

I'm still learning.