Whats happened to me,please help!


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Im 39 ive trained since i was 16 naturally until i was in my late 20's ran a 10 week course of sus 250, (orgaonon) 500mg per week, few years later i ran another course without problems same cycle as above. the shots were 500mg once a week.

I decided to do another course a few weeks ago, so bought 20 shots of sus 250 (organon) shot up 500mg on Wednesday and after a day or so i felt great, mood lifted sex drive up etc.. pretty much how it should be!

However, a few lads said why dont you run 250mg twice a week? i agreed it was a better idea, my plan was to go for a shot on a tuesday night and one on a Saturday morning, better idea?

Here's the problem, i had the shot on saturday but by sunday night i felt like shite, mood dropped, sex drive GONE and generally felt rough, had my second shot on Tuesday and made me feel worse!
It isnt test flu (ive had it before) so what is it? The sus is good stuff ive used my same supplier from years ago and other guys are using the same batch with no issues.

Will it be something to do with going from 500mg in one shot a week to 250mg 3.5 days apart? what should i do?
I have searched but couldn't find anything.

Thanks (in advance)
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Just to add my training regime is 5 nights a week and has been for years, i also had my bloods done a few months ago and my natural test levels were quite high, here in uk on a scale of 1-30 mine were 24, average for my age is 15.
Are you using an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and have you done any bloodwork? Sust should be ran eod or maybe e3d day tops.
No, im not using an A1, what i find strange is i felt as i should after the 500mg shot but the day after the 250mg shot i went downhill, almost bordering on depression!
I do feel a little better now but im due a 250 shot tomorrow, im a bit dubious about having it.

Thanks for the reply.
Sust has different esters in it. what you are feeling is the short acting ester. The long esters take longer to kick in. So thats why you feel great for a couple of days then it goes away because the short ester goes away by then. If you want to keep running it once or twice a week you are going to have to be patient and wait for the longer esters kick in. ORRR you can run Sust the right way, wich is eod or e3d. just split up the shot accordingly
Sorry man, going to say it's a mental thing. Even prop doesn't work that fast. You need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), please cycle responsibly.
So do you recommend i carry on with the single 250 shot tomorrow?


Why do keep skipping over the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) recommendation?? Continue your twice/wk protocol with Test but purchase an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and begin it immediately.
Im not skipping over it but my next shot is within 12 hours i was i bit concerned whether to do it or not.
What will the A1 do?
Im not skipping over it but my next shot is within 12 hours i was i bit concerned whether to do it or not.
What will the A1 do?

Oh dear. First, yes - continue on as long as you're willing to do things the proper way. You REALLY should have done a bit more research before you started injecting hormones into your body, but as that's too late - I'll break it down for you with the basics then you have some reading to do. ;)

An aromatase inhibitor (AI) is a chemical that prevents the conversion of testosterone into estrogen (notably estradiol) which is chiefly responsible for most of the negative side effects associated with cycling. This includes: elevated blood pressure, bloating, gynecomastia (man boobs), emotional outbursts, acne, prostatitis, BPH, and many other nasties that this natural carcinogen is known for. Common AI's include anastrozole (arimidex), exemestane (aromasin), and letrozole (femara). It is in your best interest to start an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) at the proper dose to control your estrogen as it will invariably increase as your testosterone increases as your body will attempt to maintain homeostasis by trying to keep what it feels is a proper ratio of testosterone to estrogen. Doses and other recommendations can be found in the stickies at the top of this page. I strongly urge you to read them in their entirety.

As you have just learned about an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), I wonder what your PCT is... This too is a very important part of cycling AAS and it is needed to return your body back to its natural state once the cycle is over. That too can be found in the stickies and definitely should be read and studied. A well informed user will have far better results in the long term. Please cycle responsibly.

My .02c :)
Thank you very much, very helpful.

The plan was to run what i did on my last two courses, i didnt research because i never had no issues back then and wasnt expecting any now.

Thanks again.
Thank you very much, very helpful.

The plan was to run what i did on my last two courses, i didnt research because i never had no issues back then and wasnt expecting any now.

Thanks again.
Unfortunately we can't always "feel" when something is going in the wrong direction. This is why blood testing is also recommended, as AAS increases your red blood cell count, can alter liver enzymes, affect lipids, and of course the whole estrogen thing. It's in your best interest to learn as much as you can, you'll not only be healthier, but have better results that way too. ;)
Ive just spent most the night reading and researching, wow its not just a case of "yeah just bang it in for 10 weeks and you'll be fine"
Thinking back when i did come off my other courses i did feel terrible, but back then you just got "yeah thats normal, last for a few weeks"
Im doing it right this time and im glad ive found this forum, pity it wasnt a month ago.

Even after reading all night (answer might be staring me in the face) but im still puzzled why my sex drive went from 7 out of 10 (which is normal for me) up to 9 out of 10 after the first 500mg shot, then right down to 1 out of 10 after the second 250mg shot 3 days later? and hasnt really returned either after nearly a week!
Its down to literally nothing, i mean to the point off not even being able to get any wind in it!
Ive just spent most the night reading and researching, wow its not just a case of "yeah just bang it in for 10 weeks and you'll be fine"
Thinking back when i did come off my other courses i did feel terrible, but back then you just got "yeah thats normal, last for a few weeks"
Im doing it right this time and im glad ive found this forum, pity it wasnt a month ago.

Even after reading all night (answer might be staring me in the face) but im still puzzled why my sex drive went from 7 out of 10 (which is normal for me) up to 9 out of 10 after the first 500mg shot, then right down to 1 out of 10 after the second 250mg shot 3 days later? and hasnt really returned either after nearly a week!
Its down to literally nothing, i mean to the point off not even being able to get any wind in it!

My guess is that the first pin gave you a placebo effect (A very real and powerful mental property) which slowly went away. Then as your natural production ceased from that first pin and the test in the sust hadn't kicked in yet could very well leave you floppin' in the wind. I'd give it another two weeks to see how things go if you're pinning E3.5D. If you're pinning EOD or ED, I'd give it a week for the prop (Assuming it's in your sust) to do its thing.
Ive just spent most the night reading and researching, wow its not just a case of "yeah just bang it in for 10 weeks and you'll be fine"
Thinking back when i did come off my other courses i did feel terrible, but back then you just got "yeah thats normal, last for a few weeks"
Im doing it right this time and im glad ive found this forum, pity it wasnt a month ago.

Even after reading all night (answer might be staring me in the face) but im still puzzled why my sex drive went from 7 out of 10 (which is normal for me) up to 9 out of 10 after the first 500mg shot, then right down to 1 out of 10 after the second 250mg shot 3 days later? and hasnt really returned either after nearly a week!
Its down to literally nothing, i mean to the point off not even being able to get any wind in it!

yea man its cuz youre hormones are all fucked up you have a fuck load of test going through your body and your doing nothing about your estrogen after you find the right dose of adex or aromasin you'll be fine. in the mean time watch out for gyno cuz your probably going to get it without and ai
Yes... estro can kick in quickly. As fast as test is released into your body it begins to aromatize. How much or how little is individualized.
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