WHats MAX. dose safe for HRT

highest dose for HRT thats safe

  • 100-125mgs week

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 150-175mgs week

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • 200mgs week

    Votes: 9 69.2%
  • 400mgs week

    Votes: 2 15.4%

  • Total voters


I wondering whats the highest dose for weekly injections of TEST..mostly HRT reasons.
MY HRT clinic gave me script for 400mgs test a week....This is the second clinic that said I need 400 a week....my natty level was 280-260ngs
jpflex66 said:
MY HRT clinic gave me script for 400mgs test a week....This is the second clinic that said I need 400 a week....my natty level was 280-260ngs

Holy crap, thats just silly. Your natty test levels are inconsequential as the dose you are taking replaces it. Its not like you are adding to whats already there.
jpflex66 said:
MY HRT clinic gave me script for 400mgs test a week....This is the second clinic that said I need 400 a week....my natty level was 280-260ngs
Put simply, that's bullshit. I'm guessing that you are using one of the Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) outlets that market themselves under the guise of TRT.

Regardless, the only way to know the appropriate dosage is with follow-up bloodwork. 100mg/week typically brings a man to the upper part of the normal range. Some guys need a little more, some guys need a little less, but without a doubt, 400mg/week will bring you to supraphysiological levels.

As such, the appropriate and healthy dosage varies from person to person.

If you are interested in real and legitimate testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), then check out:

400mg a week is probably safe. But then we have a naming problem. It would be the-never-ending-cycle, not TRT.
Are you sure its 400mg a week?? I know endo's and uro's like to start people out on 400mg a month with one shot... Im guessing that its 400mg a month.. what does it say on your bottle of test cyp?? Inject how much and when??
An average male produces about 10mg/day naturally, so 100mg/week would be fine but IMO anything 150mg/week and below can be considered HRT.
OK cool--and yes its 400mgs a week no joke--i take now 150mgs a week.but wondering if i can do 200mgs...i want to play it safe this is a long term commitment im only 28yoa
DocJ said:
An average male produces about 10mg/day naturally, so 100mg/week would be fine but IMO anything 150mg/week and below can be considered HRT.

Stated perfectly! :)