Cheese, and Rat juice. Be a snake and a snitch eod, and ure gtg.
Be be discreet about being a rat. I was a rat and got banned.
I'm a fake. Never touched a weight in my life.
How did I get so many posts? Because if you check my post history you will see 90% of the time al I said was "I agree!"...""x2!!!!"...."he's right!!".
I don't know shit. I pretend I do. But got caught.
i'm very sorry we can't accomodate your lifestyle, but i'm sure many won't have anything against it.
This is some funny shit, whats with this guy?!
As for the cutting, from what I know no steroid makes you lose fat WITH THE EXCEPTION OF TRENBOLONE AND ANAVAR. I read an article last time and these two were the only ones proven to actually burn fat. Also as scarz said clen is good.
The main thing you need to do is cardio and diet but if like you say you have done many cycles then you already know this.
Lastly I would use trenbolone ace, anavar and also test prop. If you add HGH 4iu per day you are good to go. Maybe the clen but the aforementioned steroids would give the best "cutting" cycle IMO
that's like an ultimate cutting cycle
How did I get so many posts? Because if you check my post history you will see 90% of the time al I said was "I agree!"...""x2!!!!"...."he's right!!".
Cheese, and Rat juice. Be a snake and a snitch eod, and ure gtg.
Be be discreet about being a rat. I was a rat and got banned.
I'm a fake. Never touched a weight in my life.
How did I get so many posts? Because if you check my post history you will see 90% of the time al I said was "I agree!"...""x2!!!!"...."he's right!!".
I don't know shit. I pretend I do. But got caught.
Hahahahaha... Poor grammar? You mean like the use of "your" rather than "you're and spelling different with one F?Im guessing your a High School dropout, judging from your poor grammer skills and sentence structure. Lastly, for someone who has "did all kind of cycles" you should know that diet and cardio is the key to cutting. Everyone is diferent and what works for them may not work for you.
Best cutting cycle IMO.
HGH 4i.u. daily or EOD (Year around, if $ no problem)
Test E or C 500mg 14-20 wks
Anavar 40-50mg ED
Proviron 50mg ED
It is simple, yet effective w/out many of the side-effects associated with heavy Tren usage. That cycle is a staple of some in the industry for looking and staying lean year around. Anavar, ideally limit it to 8 week cycles. With a well balanced diet, high in protein, and low in carbs, & adequate amounts of cardio -- excellent results can be achieved.
Tren also works wonders for those who can it tolerate it BTW. Start w/ either Acetate or Tri-tren for 8-10 wks, if chosen as alternative or for $ reasons.
Off hand note - more than a few colleagues are just doing HGH 4 i.u. M/W/F year around - all i can say is IT works wonders. They are not very strict with their diet either, cardio is very moderate. Furthermore, they throw in natural test boosters (Tribulus Terrestris), but all started w/ T/E or T/C. Ideally recommended, if one can at least throw in 500mg Test enanthate or T-Cypionate cycle for 14-20wks at least once. With GH one can nearly preserve nearly all of the test gains long term.
wow very good post. Im very interested in GH. Iv read tons and tons about gear but I know nearly nothing about GH. so GH act more of a preservant of muscle rather than build muscle itself?
HGH builds lean muscle mass and preserves muscles. It does it slowly over time, while simultaneously cutting down the body fat.
Furthermore, HGH strengthens joints and ligaments and heals damaged tissue. Hence, its collagen synthesis ability is unmatched.
How much does and HGH cycle last?
and when does it kick in. Am I informed well about the fact that it kicks in 2-3 months after.?
Depends if dosage ED or M/T/F. Typical kits come in units of 100i.u. So you are looking at 30-60 days.
Kicks in fairly fast if your receptors are fresh, and if your natural GH release is low.
Real tangible results are seen at 3 and 6 month intervals, according to most studies and anecdotal evidence. Homeostasis in the body suggests cycles completed over a shorter period of time would call for a regression to the mean. Hence, the reason for running it longer whether Test or/and GH. Meaning your body has a natural equilibrium, where it likes to revert to. That is why you hear some that are against shorter cycles [i.e. RJ the asshole]. Earlier I posted on a "dbol only" thread where individuals think 30lb gained in 30 days is LBM, when in fact most of it is water., but they argue otherwise.
With the theory of human homeostasis in mind and various studies on test, i believe longer cycles are the best way to go always. Rather than short hard cycles for 6-8 weeks.
are there any good topics/stickies about HGH since I want to read about if for next year.