Whats the Best steriod to Get Ripped?

Easto said:

bump that
Screw Tren, and everything else. Just take Test E and thats all you need, the rest is not needed.
when u measure out rice can u measure it out when its already cooked. And if so does any one know how many carbs are in a 1 cup of cooked brown rice. thanks.
about 50g of carbs in a cup of rice. Winstrol (winny) is awesome, love how it makes me look especially with tren!

and i would say anything below 100g is low. i mean, count up everything and see.

today i probobly ate 4 low carb wraps...20
a few carrots...15
cottage cheese...5
1 apple
lettuce...few more

so i ate a little above 60g but i just carbed up AND didnt resistance train today and i still feel tired. most low days ill eat 2-3 apples, 1 cup brown rice and some broccoli and be a little over 100g. training days i throw in 100g of dextrose after workout. those low days make me feel like ass!
You can't be too low, about 1g/lb of bodyweight is good for cutting (carbs). I don't see why anyone should be consuming less than 2000cals/day (males).
just buck up and get the liposuction!!!!!! jk, damn, this board rulezzzzz
"to unleash the beast, you must train like a freak"
outlawtas2 said:
You can't be too low, about 1g/lb of bodyweight is good for cutting (carbs). I don't see why anyone should be consuming less than 2000cals/day (males).
Im not saying this works for everyone and you have to have a shitload of discipline to hold a diet like that. WHen my main goal in mind is to loose bodyfat 25-75 carbs for 2 days and then 200-250 carbs on day 3. This approach absolulely works for me.
3,000 calories per day is reached through good fat intake and high, high protien.
carolinacrackah said:
WHen my main goal in mind is to loose bodyfat 25-75 carbs for 2 days and then 200-250 carbs on day 3. This approach absolulely works for me.

i use this approach too. usually go eod on the low high carb though to coinside with weight training. you stay pretty sharp and relatively full too if you carb up choices are good.

btw winny+anything ftw

im really hoping var produces a similar effect without the hairloss.