What's the highest conc. of EQ (Undec) I could make w/o any pain/discomfort?

i know 400 is pain free. go 600 and try it . if it hurts cut it back to 500 and try again. give it a couple of days after inject to make sure you dont have the delayed effect. keep us posted of results. I like eq i just hate the smell and taste. its nasty
EQ doesn't do shit for me <800 mg/week. I wanted to run a 500 test/EQ 900 cycle. It's just much easier is all.

Thanks PB
high concentrations make for less volumous injects for those of us who are using a lot of gear. this works for long esters stuff but on shorter or NE gear its tough to get above 100-150 and remain pain free. IMO 500mg/w of test is not a lot. I average that much a day at times. Test has a majical quality once you hit the 1g/w range and higher. with todays info/drugs sides can be almost completely stopped. its a different ball game today than it was back in the day. most of the folks i train with and around stay on year round now. test should always be the foundation for any cycle. build from there. and yes you can cut while doing megga doses of test
Drveejay11 said:
EQ doesn't do shit for me <800 mg/week. I wanted to run a 500 test/EQ 900 cycle. It's just much easier is all.

You could just shoot more frequently, E3D or even E2D.
if you make the test 500mg/ml (long ester of course) and the eq 400 mg/ml you only need to do 1 shot per week. 3ml per week. 3ml and under i do delts or pecs. 4ml and higher go in the ass bone.