Whats up with my gains? Too much sex bad for gains?


New member
Ive heard a few times that sex everyday stuns gains. Ive been taking a gram of test for almost 4 months, and the stuff is ledgit since I gained 10 lbs the first 3 weeks. I am near 4 months now and im only up 14 lbs, I did go up 19 but lost 5. Ive been having sex every single day except for occasional and rare 2/3 day brakes (2/3) breakes have been taken to b exact. Does any one have any knowledge on this?
My diet;
I cook rice beans n meat all week, plus I work at a deli where sampling food is not a crime so I always eat lots, n lots n lots of meat there aswell.
Sex stuning my gains?
Stuff is legit, diet is legit, training is hardcore.
Yet cant keep my dick out of gf.
So whats goin on
You are on a cycle. You should be having copious amounts of sex. Like 3-4 times a day or more with as many women (or men if you prefer) as possible.