whats ur arm workout look like


New member
mine consists of


concentration curls 3 x 12
barbell curls 5x5
dumbell preacher 3x10
alt dumbell curl drop setx2
cable curls 3x 12


close grip bench 5x5
pressdowns 3x10
ropepulldowns 3x10
dips max x 3

whats everyone else do an do you incorporate arm work with other body parts ( back, bis.....chest,tris)
I don't do my bi's and tri's together. I work bi's with back and tri's and shoulders together. Try adding skullcrushers to your tri workout.
I train Tri's with Hamstrings and Bi's with Quads.

Tri's I end up doing around 11 sets and Bi's I end up doing about 7-8 sets.
Tris :

Close grip bench(flat or incline)
board presses

About 7 total sets for tris per week choosing any of those exercises

Bis :

Ez-bar curl
alternate db curls

about 5 total sets for bis per week
for tris I like, weighted dips, skullcrushers, pulldowns with various grips, and occasionally close grips, but i never feel as though i get much out of them.

For bis i like standing dumbell curls, incline dumbell curls, hammer curls, one arm dumbell preacher curls, straight bar curls, and the very occasional cable.