Whats your favorite hamstring exersize for mass?

ive started to split them up also, my back just could not take both squats and straight leg deadlifts. I like using DBs, and putting the tips of my toes on two side by side 25s. It deactivates the calf muscle in the exercise.
it burns but for me leg curls feel good they don't really make me grow as much as other exercises.

It is nice do do quads squats heavy legs on one day, as takes a hell of of a lot of energy, and concentrate one day on each.

Hams really need more attention and energy than most think ans lots have underdeveloped ones compared to quads.

I take it kind of as a different muscle group, like bi's and tri's...
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Stiff leg deads here. I do them on my back day. I also throw in leg curls after I do quads just for shits and giggles.
Yeah, I rely on the deads for mass b/c you can use so much more weight, but when you isolate one at a time and go real slow down and explode very quickly to the top, you can't beat them.
The best for shear mass, no questions asked, PL style squats!

Second place, reversehypers. Third pull throughs, Fourth SLDL.

Last..leg curls lol

DG..come to the east coast some time!
If you Deadlift & Squat heavy on a regular basis, there isn't any need for SLDL's/Good Morning etc., imo. I do my Hammies on Quad day, and end up only performing 3 sets of 10 reps on seated leg curls(one leg at a time), after my Quad routine. Given that I have already done 5 sets of Squats, I count that as 8 total sets. Plus, on back day, I'm hitting another 5 heavy sets on Deads, which is also great hammy work. For that reason, I feel that anything more than the 3 sets of isolation work on leg curls, would be too much.
DangerousGrounds said:
Is PL squauts Power Lifting squats?
with feet pointed out legs out spread wide right. I do them a lot gets my ass good.

Hell ya. I hit up the low box squats. Me feet are about 38inches apart I believe, have to go measure my cage...lol

My hams are almost better than my quads now though..lol
Sumo squats, sumo deads, sldl, good mornings, pull thrus, glute ham raises. Hams and quads trained on seperate days. 5x5 on squats and deads.

Yep most folks focus on quads and forget the back half!!!!-valrie
Billy_Bathgate said:
The best for shear mass, no questions asked, PL style squats!

Second place, reversehypers. Third pull throughs, Fourth SLDL.

Last..leg curls lol

DG..come to the east coast some time!

i was thinking the same thing - although i like gms more than pullthroughs
For me, definitely heavy SLDL's. Plus, almost no oneever trains hammies so it looks cool doing SLDL's with 315. Gets a lot of attention.
I actually did SLDL last week for the first time. I did a few sets with 315 and damn, my hams were sore for 4 days. I think I am going to split up leg training now and do quads and hams on differnt days, so I can squat and do SLDL without fuckin up my back!
I usually do SLDL followed by lying leg curls.
I just found a new variation to leg curls that you might want to try.
Do lying leg curls with a DB. Put the DB between your feet. Start off with low weight, I only did 3 sets. 1-20lbs, 1-30lbs, and 1-40lbs.
I will tell you, the shiet works! It looks a little funny and is def. aukward, but it is a good isolation movement.
My hams are rarely sore the next day, but they were after these!

Try not to feel embarassed when you are a 200+ BB full of muscle and it is hard to do a leg curl w/ a 20lb DB!!!