Wheatgrass, barley, spurlina superfood...


New member
So I purchased 1 lb of this stuff and I wanted to know what you guys think of it... It's a powdered superfood that, supposedly, one teaspoon is the same nutritional equivalent to 2 lbs of vegetables; any thoughts, facts, or experience with using it?

I have been taking it every morning for the last week and don't really know how I feel about it yet...
Wheatgrass is the most underrated supplement out there. I think you have some excellent stuff there. Tell us if you notice a difference in 4-8 weeks....I think you might. I have some greens supplement and I completely noticed a difference. I've used many greens supps in the past but the one I'm currently using is AMAZING.

I like superfood and green supplements personally. If you can afford them take them!
However 1 teaspoon equivalent to 2 pounds of vegetables has got to be a crock of shit. Maybe 2 servings but I would still not use it to replace any vegatables.
Wheatgrass is the most underrated supplement out there. I think you have some excellent stuff there. Tell us if you notice a difference in 4-8 weeks....I think you might. I have some greens supplement and I completely noticed a difference. I've used many greens supps in the past but the one I'm currently using is AMAZING.

I like superfood and green supplements personally. If you can afford them take them!

I will keep you posted, thanks missy :)
Where did you get this from ? And what's the actual product called ? Thanks

It's called "Ultimate Green". I got 1 lb of it (2 jugs) off ebay for $22.95 (They just started selling on ebay and wanted to offer it for a good price). I just looked it up and the exact keywords are "Wheatgrass Spirulina Barley Stevia Alfalfa Kelp Powder". Price is still at $22.95 as well...
what would results would you expect to see from this type of product?

That's kind of what my question was; but I originally purchased it to aide in getting the proper amount of veggies in my daily diet... It has other benefits that the supplier boasts about but it could be all advertising jargon, so I don't feel comfortable mentioning them. If anyone knows for sure, they're more than welcome to comment on the benefits of this type of superfood, I would like to know as well...
Wheat grass increases the blood oxygen level to the brain and has turbo Energy brain effect . The wheat grass needs to be processed properly.

The main question is how are they processing these ingredient. Are they organic and unpasteurized? Were pesticides used. Ws the wheat grass juice flash dehydrated?
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Wheat grass increases the blood oxygen level to the brain and has turbo Energy brain effect . The wheat grass needs to be processed properly.

The main question is how are they processing these ingredient. Are they organic and unpasteurized? Were pesticides used. Ws the wheat grass juice flash dehydrated?

Excellent questions, I will email them to the supplier and see what they say. I would definitely like to have the answers to these questions. I'll post their response if/when I get one...
Ugh, well I just read the description over and it looks like the answers were already there... This is what it says:

"All of Ultimate Green's ingredients are grown 100% Organic or harvested Wild with Zero Chemicals, and prepared freeze Dried, to give it that wonderful mild taste!, ALWAYS FRESH and LUSTFULLY GREEN!"

So how does that sound? Decent product? What can I expect to get out of it?
wheatgrass is 70% chlorophyll when squeezed out of organic raw material..

chlorophyll is much like human blood and can act the part... it is a anti-free radical also...

i take chlorophyll pills daily on top of my veggies... boosts energy and focus.. keeps ur organs clean and running... i wouldn't have it any other way...

as for this product.. dread pirate roberts has asked all the important questions already..