when about to do PCT the 2 week waiting period.. Dbol?


New member
hey guys,
comming off cyp cycle and wondered why I dont see people suppliment with Dbol (3.5hour life) durring the last few days until PCT starts? am I stupid for thinking of trying it?
Your pct would be more like 3 weeks after last pin on cyp. Did you not gain enough off your cycle???
why was I thinking 14 days? I took it easy last couple weeks due to personal schedule and family shit. was going to try to sqeeze in a couple hard last couple weeks to round it out, also to try and skip some of the comming down feeling and just hit PCT and utilize the short half life dbol has to my advantage.
running orals and even fast acting esters (like test prop) at the back end of a cycle , pre PCT, is something guys have been doing for awhile now. nothing new. Do it and let us know how it goes. keep in mind you may need to bump up and adjust your AI protocol
Yeah, I also ran out of HCG a week ago, and will run 2 weeks short of hitting PCT. So I figured screw it, hit it hard on back end just before PCT fun time begins. going to stock up on Cia to keep the woman pleased until I am back...

This brings another question. with the short life, how long does water retention stay with you? I am running 2.5 of adex EOD and wondered if I should up that when blasting dbol for last 2 weeks? anyone with knowledge of that?
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