When to begin Estrogen blocker and additional tips for first cycle.


New member
I just began my first 12wk cycle of 500mg of test E. I'm unsure when I should begin taking my estrogen blocker. I am also considering purchasing some Clenbuterol after the first 6 weeks of my cycle so I can remain somewhat lean. Any tips regarding that would be appreciated as well as any tips you fellas have for beginners. Thanks!

21 years old
13% bf
5 years training
You are to young to cycle and it shows a lot just by the fact you haven't even researched the very very basics 101 of cycling...
Guessing you have no HCG and you forgot/waiting to buy PCT drugs as well ?

Have fun over in the trt forums the coming years.
all that was said above^^^^^^^ no ai? no hcg? did you do bloodworks before this cycle?
You are to young to cycle and it shows a lot just by the fact you haven't even researched the very very basics 101 of cycling...
Guessing you have no HCG and you forgot/waiting to buy PCT drugs as well ?

Have fun over in the trt forums the coming years.

Does such a "Basics of cycling 101" exist on these forums, for my own benefit.
Estrogen blockers aka serms are used in pct. An ai is used during cycle. Read the beginner cycle stickies for more info on what your doing. That would be a responsible way of handling yourself..