When to start cycle after surgery?


New member
I am new to this, created a thread the other day about it. Well I have a knee surgery this coming Thursday. I bought some sustanon and the PCT to go along with it, to try out, gonna do an injection Monday and Thursday every week for 10 weeks, 250mg as I have read that is ideal to do with sustanon. My question is when should I start it up? I have two scenarios as far as my recovery goes.

1st one, I have the tear of my meniscus cut out and I am good to go whenever I am free of pain and swelling. Dr. says it should be around a week or so. If this is the case should I start the injections the Monday after my surgery, or wait until I free of swelling? I have a very high pain tolerance and am sure it wont be more than a week before I am fine. I walked out of the hospital after the 2nd ACL replacement I had last year.

2nd one, If the tear can be stitched up, which is better for my knee in the long run, it's 6 weeks of healing, no weight baring. If this is the case, when should I start the injections?

I intend on working out my upper body and core as usual, I am going to take the sustanon to help get the strength back in the leg that is having surgery. I will follow the Dr. orders to a T, I don't want my knee messed up from trying to over do it! 3 knee surgeries in the last 3 years is enough for me! Thanks for the help.
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