When to stop Anavar in my situation

Ok, its been almost 3 years since ive competed. Ive tried Winstrol (winny) in past with what seemed to be nice results but i didnt want to go that route this time. I decided to do Anavar for a little while to see how i liked it. About 6 weeks thru i decided that I am going to compete again. Question is, do i keep up with the anavar after now being on it for 8 weeks....Im on 15mg. Or do i stop this close to the show. Its 9 weeks away. Thats a long time on it so im not sure what to do. Any advice would be greatly appreciated because i need to decide this pretty quickly. Thanks.

- Super....you have helped me in the past, not sure if you remember. Its been a long time.

Ok, its been almost 3 years since ive competed. Ive tried Winstrol (winny) in past with what seemed to be nice results but i didnt want to go that route this time. I decided to do Anavar for a little while to see how i liked it. About 6 weeks thru i decided that I am going to compete again. Question is, do i keep up with the anavar after now being on it for 8 weeks....Im on 15mg. Or do i stop this close to the show. Its 9 weeks away. Thats a long time on it so im not sure what to do. Any advice would be greatly appreciated because i need to decide this pretty quickly. Thanks.

- Super....you have helped me in the past, not sure if you remember. Its been a long time.


Hi! My first concern would be if you will be drug tested in the show?

Next concern is that anavar even a low dose makes me hold a fair amount of water which is why I always need a few weeks after an anavar cycle to cut a little.

Lastly, I dont ever run ANY aas for longer than 12 weeks. After the 12 weeks I run a post cycle therapy (pct). Here is a link to some womens pct options http://www.steroidology.com/forum/w...119-post-cycle-therapy-women.html#post2647451

good luck in your comp!
Hello.....thx for the response. No drug testing, so no worries there.
I do know that most are between 8-12 weeks. Im just nervous about quitting now when im doing so well on it. This close to a show.
My trainer said he has seen some go 20-22 weeks but before i decide to go 20 i just want some opinions. Show is now 9 weeks away, so that would make it about 18 weeks total.
I wouldn't go that long unless you've done some longer cycles before. Problem is you have no idea how you will bounce back.

This situation is sort of shitty.

There is no guarantee you will continue to do well on it as your hormones may stop responding.

This is just too hard to tell.

I don't like to give this advice but I would say go off of it at 8-10 weeks, see how you do for the next 2 weeks. Then if you want go back on.

I'm only suggesting this because anavar is quite mild, and you are competing. However I'm assuming you are experienced at dieting, competing, using. NO ONE ELSE should consider this.

And Blondie brought up a great point....water retention. Do you or do you not retain water on it? That should be taken into consideration.
I dont think i hold water, I have one of the crazy bodies with a high metabolism and i can get pretty lean on my own. I just dont want to lose my strength or my fullness. I did consider stopping for two weeks then starting back, maybe that is what i will do. Honestly i wanted to hear your opinion before i did it and today would be the day to go off.
I am experienced with diet, have competed 4 times and have used Winstrol (winny) and clen in past but not anavar. I do plan on starting clen around 7 weeks.
Thanks for the advice!!