When would you have blood work done to check out your gear?


New member
I have been on SUS500 for about 3 1/2 weeks.. 3/4 cc M-W -F

I had blood work done and my levels are higher than my normal levels (low 400s) I am now a bit over 900 (tested Tuesday this week)

Had my original blood work 5 days prior to start of cycle for a physical.

I am in NO WAY questioning PSL's gear, because I see a huge gain in strength (355 3x on bench on Monday) 335 7x , previous best was 335 3x and I do see a difference in my body.

I am just a tad confused why my levels are so low..

Am I shooting often enough?

My calculations have me at 1025mg a week.

Also on 25 proviron per day and 20mg aromasin every other day.

Maybe only the prop is truly kicking in yet and the other esters will start kicking in shortly? I have never ran a blend of 4 esters before.

Any suggestions?

Thanks guys
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You should go get your levels checked again at the 5-6 week mark. I don't think all of the esters are stable enough yet in your blood stream. Thats just my .02 cents. Your levels should be much higher if your pinning 1125 a week. I know the Sustanon 500 is 100%. We've tried it ourselves.
Yup, I'm having bloods done on PSL gear in two weeks, that will put me at the 6 week mark. I'm getting extremely curious.......
Not superdoubtful at all.. Just placed another order after this thread was posted.

Not sure where you are getting that theory from?